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Posted by: Administrator on Thu, Oct 28, 2010




by Jimmie Warren

Dearly beloved, how many of you remember those words??

We are in a time right now where those words are being tested to the max.

I know many people who are fighting to hold their families together because Satan is on the attack. Yes, the old serpent is out to devour those whom He may. Brethren you need to watch everyone you know because Satan is running out of time and he’s staking everyone he can down with him.

Dearly beloved pray for your family now! while your reading this. Let me tell you why. About four years ago while I was in prayer a voice came to my mind as clear as if someone was standing in the room with me . This voice said " go stand by your family because Satan is out to get your family to destroy it. He wants to break up all families, to get each of us alone and then in despair he will make His attack".

I know this sounds strange but over these past few years I have seen many people lose the ones they love to divorce, death, separation, even infighting of churches. Beloved we need to love each other more now than ever before. Don’t let little things grow into bigger fights, work things out . Tell each other how you feel . Don’t hold things in till they can’t be worked out .


We as grown people need to stop playing games with each other . Don’t You know , that we are running out of time? Jesus is on His way back and our enemy Satan is just waiting for those who have given up. He will move in for the kill if we are down and out and not watching . Take a LOOK around you , who is hurting the most in your family?

If it is you tell someone, don’t let pride stop you, call a family member to talk to , call a minister. "Ask and you shall receive," if you don’t ask, how is anyone to know that you are in trouble? PRIDE CAN KILL YOU OR SOMEONE WHO YOU LOVE.. STOP HERE !

Your saying wait a minute what is this guy saying ? This is a good time to ask "Is something wrong with my family"? Have I talked to my wife lately, how about the kids? How is that aunt or uncle doing, or how about grandma and grandpa, are they ok?

Take a short time to think of every family member you can think of and pray for them all, NOW.

I FEEL VERY COMPELLED TO write about this subject . I feel moved by the Holy Spirit to warn everyone of expanding doom! PLEASE take this message to heart right now. Your families very lives could depend on it! Jesus told his decipher "to love one another" . Love covers all sin!


Blessed ones , don’t take this lightly, hold tightly to the ones you love . Right now go into prayer today ! Because we just don’t know about tomorrow or what bad thing could happen? Saints I admonish you to talk to each other. Try to find out what is going on with your soul mate, your children, your parents, even your friends. Tell them you are happy to know them and that you want to get them to know you better, don’t be shy. People will open up to you if you will revile yourself.

Tell the ones close to you what you are feeling. We have to all quit playing games with the people who are supposed to love us? When was the last time you and your wife prayed together? How about the kids? When did you last tuck them in and tell them you loved them? Come on people we as Christians need to show our love for one another are we not ? Why is it so hard for us to talk to each other?

Husbands it’s your duty to take the lead , so ask your wife what is bothering her ,or ask the children are you guys all right? Quit watching T.V. all night. GO take your family to church or to a bowling alley or a movie. Have you tried playing a game lately? Remember monopoly, risk etc..?.

Blessed ones I beseech you in the name of our lord JESUS to take the time to talk ,pray and love your family. If your reading this and you know your having problems then ask Jesus "Lord please help my loved ones to stick together. Please don’t let the Evil one come between me and the ones that I love. Please God help me be a better father ,mother ,brother ,sister, friend ,and Christians to all that know me".

Saints we have but a short time on this earth , we need to spend more time thinking of others instead of ourselves all the time. Do You know to truly love someone is to put them first in life. Are you doing that with your family? Pray all the time that you will be counted worthy to escape all the things about to happen to this world? One of those things is that the love of many shall wax cold. What does that mean? Many will stop loving the way they should. Satan moves on them and they just don’t care anymore.

How many people do you know who seems like they just don’t care anymore or at least don’t seem to care like they use to ? Look at all the hate in this Christian country today. When did most of the people stop caring?? If most of us think back it all stared in the 60's. Funny the 60's was supposed to be the era of love? What about the KENNEDY’S , MARTIN L. KING where did all that caring go?? I’ll tell you when we stopped caring back then, we as a lost generation , let Satan in the back door. He is now feeding off our children and the mistakes we all made. The church let us down, our leaders let us, but the biggest let down was us. We as a people need to take back our pride and love and show the whole world that we really do care. We as a Christian nation need to show that God should be back in our schools and in our meeting places and in our families. We need to stand up and fight evil on every front . This is not the time to just quit so don’t sit down and give up ! Stand up for Jesus Ask HIM TO KEEP YOUR FAMILY AND NATION TOGETHER.

A Servant of the Lord

Chaplain Jimmie W. Warren

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