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Simple Salvation Church of God Simple Salvation Church of God



      What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, and yet lose or forfeit his very self?
    • Our Church

      Simple Salvation Church of God
      3818 S MYRTLE ST
      WA 99223

      · click to become Ordained Free
      · click here--CHURCH BELIEFS,Wedding Info read n call
      · My Personal Testimony-Credentials

      We believe that "All true believers" are Jesus Christ’s disciples,therefore commanded to go forth Simple Salvation Church of God uses the Internet as our primary tool for evangelism and Christian Fellowship, to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ as a witness to all nations. We exist in our ministry calling to assist others in their Christian callings through, inspiration, teachings, and recognition by training and ordination and are committed to spreading the gospel to all nations in the establishment of local ministries. We have served you now for 23 years and hope many have found new truth as we have,we want you to glean more out of the word of God as we show you scriptures from the Almighty God YAHWEH. We owe all praise to him. Amen!







      God's wants all men to be saved, that is His perfect will. And they should come unto the knowledge of the truth.
      (1 Timothy 2:4) KJV

      We welcome you to Simple Salvation Church of God.

      We are a Internet only Church with no walls,we are open world wide to all.Simple Salvation Church of God uses the world-wide Internet as our primary tool for evangelism and Christian Fellowship. Those who wish to learn more truth from their own Bibles.  Please note we are only here to share the truth from the Bible!

      We teach mainly about the return of our Lord Jesus / Yeshua Messiah, and his soon coming kingdom,

      We simple ask  ' Are you ready to meet your maker", and is your family ready for the return of your savior? 

      For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.

       We welcome all who thirst to know more about God's true word, again  " we are not here to change your religion " but to depart new truth about what you need to do to be ready to face what is coming. 

       What we teach, most churches do not teach today!.

      For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

      We hope you will follow along with your own Bibles to prove all the things that are of God. We are not about religion or churches, We are here to help  to improve what you know and what you need to know before the coming of the Lord!!  We are not here to just "jam" more church doctrine down your throats, so sit back and take out your Bible to follow along and with your eyes and minds, hopefully you will be open and see some new truths. Amen!  

      Our Goals TO YOU!  

      Simple Salvation Church of God is a non-denomination of the Protestant faith and fellow the Bible by supporting each other in edification, fellow-ship, and worshiping of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our main goal is to discharge our duties to the Body of Christ, to anoint and ordain ministers of Christ and to share what Jesus taught. Again we are not here to beg for money or for you to switch churches, but we are here just to share what The Holy Spirit inspires me and a few others to write about , it is up to you to believe it or not!   

      All Praise belongs to our Father in heaven "FATHER YAHWEH" for it is by his  power only do we have this site for over 29 years so, please enjoy!

      The Biblical foundations for our beliefs are that all believers are already appointed and ordained by God and are found in the following scriptures below. Each of us has been given the ministry of reconciliation and should do whatever we can to bring healing and restoration to our relationships with one another, especially our brothers and sisters in the Body of the Messiah/Christ Jesus and his (church). Amen! 

      Yeshua / Jesus said to her,“I am the resurrection and the lifeHe who believes in Me, though he dies, shall live again;" (John 11:25)

       " And this is the will of the Father Who sent Me: that of all whom He has given Me, I should not lose any, but should raise them up in the last day.  And this is the will of Him Who sent Me: that everyone who sees the Son, and believes in Him, may have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:39-40) (A Faithful Version)

      OUR Mission
      We proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ as a witness to all nations. We exist in our ministry and calling, to assist others in their Christian callings, through, inspiration, teachings, and recognition by ordination and we are committed to spreading the gospel to all nations in the establishment of World wide ministries in every nation around the world where we can!

      It is the position of Simple Salvation Church of God that since JESUS / or  "Yeshua Messiah" required no special schooling or education of his disciples -to preach or teach  We will not be conformed to this world or it's churches rules, we only follow what Jesus taught himself!

      {All who answered His call into His ministry} then this should be our own prerequisite for ordinations for men and women who obey Jesus' word.  Many Jews doubted the legitimacy of Jesus Christ and his misfits of 12 men, which today has grown to a worldwide body of millions of believers known as Christianity.

      The disciples, for the most part, were poor uneducated men and some women, they were totally unworthy of being chosen by the Lord, yet they spread Christianity worldwide as we do today following the call of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ -Yeshua Messiah. The Apostle Paul even stated he was the least of the saints, so who are we to judge others for who they are to our Lord?

        " Yeshua Messiah," said this: "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you."  (John 15:16

      If you feel called to serve the Lord then please be ordained today, you can do weddings or start a church to spread the Lord's word where you live today click on be ordained at top of page? Become ordained now , and start doing what Jesus put into your hearts. " for it is not the hearers of the word but the doers of the word. Amen!

      Jesus commands all his disciples to;"Go into all the world and preach the Good News (kingdom of God)to all creation." (Mark 16:15)  

      You can e-mail us if you feel we are serving you well? Tell us what we can do better to serve you, or what this site needs to do better?  e-mail us  or  For your convenience use our Pay Pal button below to give an offering or gift.

      Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!(2 Corinthians 5:17-18)

      " And from the throne came a voice that said, Praise our God, all his servants, all who fear him, from the least to the greatest.”  Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd or the roar of mighty ocean waves or the crash of loud thunder: “Praise the Lord! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.  Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him.

      For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.” For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God’s holy people. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.” And he added, “These are true words that come from God.” (REVELATION 19:4-9)

      WE ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK TO THE DAY OF THE LORD , BE READY, get your family ready for the day of the Lord is near ! 

      What you give, God will give back in ways you do not even understand, it's up to you, pray about it, then send in whatever you can in this way you too are preaching the Gospel of God to the whole world.  Become a prayer warrior today, help with your finance ,give what you can help fight Satan and his demons, so we can win back souls for our Lord Jesus.


      Help us spread the Good News that JESUS IS COMING SOON!

      We rely on donations of those who come here and by them only do we survive through the power of our living God, moving people like you to give donations and free-will offerings so, help if you can, by spreading the word around the world! 

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             Simple Salvation Church of God

                          mailing address         

                    3818 S. Myrtle Street
                     Spokane, WA.  99223


      Send check or money order to:

      Jimmie Warren

      3818 S. Myrtle Street

      Spokane, WA 99223


      Legal Issues
      Every nation, state, or locality has varying laws regarding certain degrees of the ministry. It is the full responsibility of every ordained minister to know and follow the laws in their region. It would be totally impossible for us to know the laws of every region in the world, or to monitor the actions of a very ordained minister. The legal responsibility of every ordained minister lays solely upon themselves who shall hold the Simple Salvation Church of God harmless as a result of their operation, actions, practices, beliefs, and calling.

      Persons ordained by Simple Salvation Church of God are independent ministers, and in no way represent this church, or does the church represent the newly ordained ministers. We exist as independent entities practicing freedom of religion in our own perspective callings from the Lord Jesus Christ. Each person must work out their own salvation as St.Paul said (Philippians 2:12-15)

      Christian Ceremonies
      Countries outside the United States may have varying laws regarding the Officiating of certain Ceremonies and rites. However, in the USA Ministers are only required to present credentials or other paperwork if they are going to officiate a marriage ceremony. But to be a minister and Officiate any other ceremony does not require registration as far as we are aware. However, it is your professional responsibility to know the restrictions governing your region of the world.


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