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Simple Salvation Church of God Simple Salvation Church of God

About Simple Salvation Church of God About Simple Salvation Church of God

Our Staff

Pastor General Jimmie W. Warren
    Founder President / Wedding Officiant

Michael Stevenson
    Associated Pastor / writer

    Associated Pastor

Robert McConkey
    Associated Pastor / writer

LogoSimple Salvation Church of God
WA 99223

We believe that "All true believers" are Jesus Christ’s disciples,therefore commanded to go forth Simple Salvation Church of God uses the Internet as our primary tool for evangelism and Christian Fellowship, to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ as a witness to all nations. We exist in our ministry calling to assist others in their Christian callings through, inspiration, teachings, and recognition by training and ordination and are committed to spreading the gospel to all nations in the establishment of local ministries. We have served you now for 23 years and hope many have found new truth as we have,we want you to glean more out of the word of God as we show you scriptures from the Almighty God YAHWEH. We owe all praise to him. Amen!







God's wants all men to be saved, that is His perfect will. And they should come unto the knowledge of the truth.
(1 Timothy 2:4) KJV

We welcome you to Simple Salvation Church of God.

We are a Internet only Church with no walls,we are open world wide to all.Simple Salvation Church of God uses the world-wide Internet as our primary tool for evangelism and Christian Fellowship. Those who wish to learn more truth from their own Bibles.  Please note we are only here to share the truth from the Bible!

We teach mainly about the return of our Lord Jesus / Yeshua Messiah, and his soon coming kingdom,

We simple ask  ' Are you ready to meet your maker", and is your family ready for the return of your savior? 

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son.

 We welcome all who thirst to know more about God's true word, again  " we are not here to change your religion " but to depart new truth about what you need to do to be ready to face what is coming. 

 What we teach, most churches do not teach today!.

For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.

We hope you will follow along with your own Bibles to prove all the things that are of God. We are not about religion or churches, We are here to help  to improve what you know and what you need to know before the coming of the Lord!!  We are not here to just "jam" more church doctrine down your throats, so sit back and take out your Bible to follow along and with your eyes and minds, hopefully you will be open and see some new truths. Amen!  

Our Goals TO YOU!  

Simple Salvation Church of God is a non-denomination of the Protestant faith and fellow the Bible by supporting each other in edification, fellow-ship, and worshiping of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our main goal is to discharge our duties to the Body of Christ, to anoint and ordain ministers of Christ and to share what Jesus taught. Again we are not here to beg for money or for you to switch churches, but we are here just to share what The Holy Spirit inspires me and a few others to write about , it is up to you to believe it or not!   

All Praise belongs to our Father in heaven "FATHER YAHWEH" for it is by his  power only do we have this site for over 29 years so, please enjoy!

The Biblical foundations for our beliefs are that all believers are already appointed and ordained by God and are found in the following scriptures below. Each of us has been given the ministry of reconciliation and should do whatever we can to bring healing and restoration to our relationships with one another, especially our brothers and sisters in the Body of the Messiah/Christ Jesus and his (church). Amen! 

Yeshua / Jesus said to her,“I am the resurrection and the lifeHe who believes in Me, though he dies, shall live again;" (John 11:25)

 " And this is the will of the Father Who sent Me: that of all whom He has given Me, I should not lose any, but should raise them up in the last day.  And this is the will of Him Who sent Me: that everyone who sees the Son, and believes in Him, may have eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. (John 6:39-40) (A Faithful Version)

OUR Mission
We proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ as a witness to all nations. We exist in our ministry and calling, to assist others in their Christian callings, through, inspiration, teachings, and recognition by ordination and we are committed to spreading the gospel to all nations in the establishment of World wide ministries in every nation around the world where we can!

It is the position of Simple Salvation Church of God that since JESUS / or  "Yeshua Messiah" required no special schooling or education of his disciples -to preach or teach  We will not be conformed to this world or it's churches rules, we only follow what Jesus taught himself!

{All who answered His call into His ministry} then this should be our own prerequisite for ordinations for men and women who obey Jesus' word.  Many Jews doubted the legitimacy of Jesus Christ and his misfits of 12 men, which today has grown to a worldwide body of millions of believers known as Christianity.

The disciples, for the most part, were poor uneducated men and some women, they were totally unworthy of being chosen by the Lord, yet they spread Christianity worldwide as we do today following the call of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ -Yeshua Messiah. The Apostle Paul even stated he was the least of the saints, so who are we to judge others for who they are to our Lord?

  " Yeshua Messiah," said this: "You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it to you."  (John 15:16

If you feel called to serve the Lord then please be ordained today, you can do weddings or start a church to spread the Lord's word where you live today click on be ordained at top of page? Become ordained now , and start doing what Jesus put into your hearts. " for it is not the hearers of the word but the doers of the word. Amen!

Jesus commands all his disciples to;"Go into all the world and preach the Good News (kingdom of God)to all creation." (Mark 16:15)  

You can e-mail us if you feel we are serving you well? Tell us what we can do better to serve you, or what this site needs to do better?  e-mail us  or  For your convenience use our Pay Pal button below to give an offering or gift.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!(2 Corinthians 5:17-18)

" And from the throne came a voice that said, Praise our God, all his servants, all who fear him, from the least to the greatest.”  Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd or the roar of mighty ocean waves or the crash of loud thunder: “Praise the Lord! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns.  Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him.

For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.” For the fine linen represents the good deeds of God’s holy people. And the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb.” And he added, “These are true words that come from God.” (REVELATION 19:4-9)

WE ARE CLOSER THAN YOU THINK TO THE DAY OF THE LORD , BE READY, get your family ready for the day of the Lord is near ! 

What you give, God will give back in ways you do not even understand, it's up to you, pray about it, then send in whatever you can in this way you too are preaching the Gospel of God to the whole world.  Become a prayer warrior today, help with your finance ,give what you can help fight Satan and his demons, so we can win back souls for our Lord Jesus.


Help us spread the Good News that JESUS IS COMING SOON!

We rely on donations of those who come here and by them only do we survive through the power of our living God, moving people like you to give donations and free-will offerings so, help if you can, by spreading the word around the world! 

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Gift Any Amount




       Simple Salvation Church of God

                    mailing address         

              3818 S. Myrtle Street
               Spokane, WA.  99223


Send check or money order to:

Jimmie Warren

3818 S. Myrtle Street

Spokane, WA 99223


Legal Issues
Every nation, state, or locality has varying laws regarding certain degrees of the ministry. It is the full responsibility of every ordained minister to know and follow the laws in their region. It would be totally impossible for us to know the laws of every region in the world, or to monitor the actions of a very ordained minister. The legal responsibility of every ordained minister lays solely upon themselves who shall hold the Simple Salvation Church of God harmless as a result of their operation, actions, practices, beliefs, and calling.

Persons ordained by Simple Salvation Church of God are independent ministers, and in no way represent this church, or does the church represent the newly ordained ministers. We exist as independent entities practicing freedom of religion in our own perspective callings from the Lord Jesus Christ. Each person must work out their own salvation as St.Paul said (Philippians 2:12-15)

Christian Ceremonies
Countries outside the United States may have varying laws regarding the Officiating of certain Ceremonies and rites. However, in the USA Ministers are only required to present credentials or other paperwork if they are going to officiate a marriage ceremony. But to be a minister and Officiate any other ceremony does not require registration as far as we are aware. However, it is your professional responsibility to know the restrictions governing your region of the world.


vNo photo description available.


click to become Ordained Free

You can become a legally ordained Minister,
Free for Life, right here!
 NEW MAILING address : 3818 S. Myrtle street  Spokane,WA. 99223
It is the position of Simple Salvation Church of God that, since Jesus required no special schooling or education of his disciples - only that they answered His call into His ministry, then this should also be our own prerequisite for ordination. Many scoffers doubted the legitimacy of Jesus Christ, and his misfit group of followers, which today has grown to a worldwide body of believers known as Christianity. The disciples for the most part were poor uneducated men and women totally unworthy of being chosen by the Lord to spread Christianity worldwide.
The Biblical foundations for our beliefs that all believers
are already appointed and ordained by God are found in
the following scriptures below. 

Jesus- " Yeshua Messiah"said this:
 "You have not chosen me, but 
I have chosen you, and ordained you,
 that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should
remain: that whatsoever you shall ask of the Father in my name,
he may give it you
." John 15:16  

Jesus commanding the disciples ;"Go into all the world
and preach the Good News to all creation
." Mark 16:15 
All true believers are Jesus Christ’s disciples

We offer to those willing to serve God and who are at least 18 years of age to be ordained for Life!
We do not ordain homosexual's or those living in sin!
We love the sinner but not their sins!
 E mail the following information:

If you give ANY false name your credential will be canceled

/ No P. O . Boxes 

3. Why you want to be ordained ? 
Must Read article "What it takes to be a minister of God."

4. Send letter's of recommendations with any and all experience and any degrees

5. Year you where Baptized

If you desire a license to hang on your wall or set on your desk
then send a donation of $45.00

Letter Of Good Standing member of our church $15.00

Doctor Of Divinity Degree donation $75.00

Charter Church Certificate donation - $90.00

Simple Salvation Church of God will award you an honorary
Dr. of Divinity degree in recognition of your life experience.
This will qualify you to use the title of "Rev. Dr." before your name,
or the initials"D.D."after your name. For example:

Rev. Dr. James Doe
Rev. James Doe D.D.

To receive your Honorary Doctor of Divinity degree,
please include the following items:

1. Your LEGAL name as it appears on your Birth Record.
No nick names like JW, big Jim ,little John or animals names

2. A brief testimony about your personal experience as a Christian.
This can be about how you were saved, or the difference Christ has made in your life.
How you led someone to Christ, and any personal experience
involving your ministry in community service .

3. Check or money order for the suggested contribution 
Simple Salvation Church of God.
3818 S. Myrtle street
Spokane, WA 99223

4. Be sure and include your return address.
You can pay with any major credit card through pay-pal
even if you do not have a pay-pal account.

Actual Size is 8 ½ by 11 inches Minister Credentials
Click on Pay Pal button at bottom of page

You can use pay pal to pay with major credit cards
even if you do not have a pay-pal account

You can also send through regular mail,
Mailing address near bottom of page


Evangelist credential - donation- $55.00

If you do not want to become ordained, but would like a credential that will empower you
to help preach the gospel ,We will Register you as an Evangelist.
This Credential will give you the legal right to use
the Title Evangelist before your name.

You may send check or money order to
Simple Salvation Church of God 
3818 S. Myrtle Street
Spokane, WA 99223

Some people do not know that you can pay with a credit card
through pay-pal without being a pay pal member.
You can pay with Master Card,Visa,Discover, etc. credit cards.


If You just want to make a donation of any amount
to help support this work
We want to give everyone the chance
to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the world..

see our articles on marriage laws of each state and
the legal right to preform the duties of a minister in your stat
see this article here on this site

You are an independent minister from God's church, 
as an independent minister, you may start your own church
anywhere you chose,with the name you chose.

As an independent minister or church, we at Simple Salvation Church Of God
are not responsible for you or the church you start
If you fail to preach anything besides The gospel of Jesus Christ ,
your credential's will be revoked  by Simple Salvation Church Of God
Donate here by using Pay-pal

Official PayPal Seal
                                        WHAT DOES IT TAKES TO BE A MINISTER OF GOD?  
                                                                 Chaplain Jimmie Warren
Becoming a Minister is a Holy calling from God and requires profound selflessness, sacrifice and love for all mankind. You must submit yourself in total surrender to Jesus Christ and bear fruit of that relationship with him. This will require the highest degree of honesty, integrity, humility and unconditional love for others.
As a chosen vessels you must be willing to stand alone in defense of the poor and destitute sinners of this world, showing no respect for persons because of wealth, education, religious stature, or other power.Being a minister is no ordinary calling, for you truly are the salt of the earth and the light of Christ in a dark and dying world. Sincerity is a MUST!  All who know you must know your sincerity as a minister of Jesus Christ .
Simple Salvation Church of God welcomes all who wish to serve God and his son Jesus Christ.We are an open minded community of believers who constantly renew our commitment to a deeper understanding of God and his will for us.
In the Joy of Salvation we freely Fellowship and worship in Christian Unity. We believe in the Freedom of Choice, being individually responsible before God for our lives, thoughts, and actions.
Christians hold various views based upon their spiritual gifts, abilities to understand scriptures, past teachings, and national origins. We therefore advocate Freedom of Religion, seeking answers through study of the Bible, prayer, and guidance by the Holy Spirit.
Having, great love and admiration for each other without respect for wealth, race, gender, age or social status. We are committed to seeking the will of God in our lives and faithfully dedicating our life to the service of Jesus Christ that we may be helpers in the Joy of Salvation.
OUR Goals
Simple Salvation Church of God is a non-denominational Protestant faith association of Christians supporting each other in edification, fellowship and worship. Our goal is to fellowship and worship in unity of Christian faith to discharge our duties to the Body of Christ.
OUR Mission
Simple Salvation Church of God uses the Internet as our primary tool for evangelism and Christian Fellowship, to proclaim the Gospel of Salvation through Jesus Christ as a witness to all nations. We exist in our ministry calling to assist others in their Christian callings through, inspiration, teachings, and recognition by training and ordination and are committed to spreading the gospel to all nations in the establishment of local ministries.
Giving offerings and gifts to the church.
The church does not claim Tax Exempt status even though we as a Church are exempt from taxation per the U.S. constitution. We are a free church not one of the state Therefore any contributions given to the church are not tax-deductible.
2 Corinthians. 9:10-12---giving from a free mind:
(10) The one who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness. (11) You are being enriched in every way for all generosity, which through us produces thanksgiving to God, (12) for the administration of this public service is not only supplying the needs of the holy ones but is also overflowing in many acts of thanksgiving to God. (13) Through the evidence of this service, you are glorifying God for your obedient confession of the gospel of Christ and the generosity of your contribution to them and to all others, (14) while in prayer on your behalf they long for you, because of the surpassing grace of God upon you. (15) Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! (NAB)
Matthew 10:7-10
(7) As you go, make this proclamation: 'The kingdom of heaven is at hand. (8) Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give. (9) Do not take gold or silver or copper for your belts; (10) no sack for the journey, or a second tunic, or sandals, or walking stick. The laborer deserves his keep. (NAB)
2 Corinthians 9:7
(7) Let each man give according as he has determined in his heart; not grudgingly, or under compulsion; for God loves a cheerful giver.(NAB)
Matthew 6:1-4
(1) Be careful that you don't do your charitable giving before men, to be seen by them, or else you have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. (2) Therefore when you do merciful deeds, don't sound a trumpet before yourself, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may get glory from men. Most assuredly I tell you, they have received their reward. (3) But when you do merciful deeds, don't let your left hand know what your right hand does, (4) so that your merciful deeds may be in secret, then your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly. (NAB)
Donate here by using Pay-pal
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If you feel moved to give a gift or donation please use our Pay-Pal
All of humanity has been called by the Gospel unto salvation and are given gifts of the spirit to produce good fruit. John 15:16 But God has also called and foreordained some for to tend to the needs of the flock, and to boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world .
Our Independent Ministers are Ordained for life, however there are reasons why a independent Minister could be dismissed.
1. Lying on their Ordination request application
2. Found to be preaching doctrine and beliefs contrary to THE BIBLE Doctrines and beliefs
3. Failing to notify us of change of home address and or email address
4. Refusing to allow their name, state address, and Ordination number to be posted on our web page Ministry Roster.
5. Using a false name on your application for ordination, other then your true birth name.
6. Living in Sin like Active Adultery or Homosexuality is cause to remove you from our ministry!
All applicants for ordination must be 18 years of age or older, and be of the Christian Faith,have been saved, called of God, and received baptism Do not take upon yourself this calling if you are just playing religion and are not serious about the sacrifices God will require of you. This is very serious indeed, for who he has given much, much will be expected.
We will ordain all Protestant Christian applicants without respect to race, gender, nationality, or past and forgiven sins.
This does not mean we will ordain practicing homosexual or any and all Felon applicants without them first forsaking their sins and coming to the place of humble repentance before Christ. This ministry is a ministry of love, who loves the sinners, but will not love the sin.
Legal Issues
Every nation, state, or locality has varying laws regarding certain degrees of the ministry. It is the full responsibility of every ordained minister to know and follow the laws in their region. It would be totally impossible for us to know the laws of every region in the world, or to monitor the actions of very ordained minister. The legal responsibility of every ordained minister lays solely upon themselves who shall hold the Simple Salvation Church of God harmless as a result their operation, actions, practices, beliefs, and calling.
Persons ordained by Simple Salvation Church of God are independent ministers, and in no way represent the this church, or does the church represent the newly ordained ministers. We exist as independent entities practicing freedom of religion in our own perspective callings from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Christian Ceremonies
Countries outside the United States may have varying laws regarding the Officiating of certain Ceremonies and rites. However in the USA Ministers are only required to present credentials or other paperwork if they are going to officiate a marriage ceremony. But to be a minister and Officiate any other ceremony does not require registration as far as we are aware. However it is your professional responsibility to know the restrictions governing you region of the world.
Is On line Ordination Legitimate?
The Constitution of the United States guarantees our right to Freedom of Religion.
Yes, on line/E mail Ordination is every bit as much legal as any other Christian church ordinations. Simple Salvation Church of God does ordain anyone on line and by mail. Both Male and Female may apply!
Ordination applications are taken on line or by mail and a special prayer service is held for the applicant in his or her absence, at this time we lay hands upon the applicants Official documents and pray for God's blessings upon each applicant. After the blessing service the applicants name and address is entered into our Official Church records as an Ordained Minister.
Simple Salvation Church of God is a membership laboring in Love for all humanity of the World. We are a Protestant non-denominational Christ-centered ministry, that promotes unity in faith and fellowship in the joy of Salvation.
Some of our members are just plain ordinary people without any ministerial training having nothing more than a calling from the Lord and the courage to act in faith in response to their callings. Much like the Disciples of Jesus we come from all walks of life but ,are called by the Holy Spirit to serve God as He sees fit, not as some church or organization picks us!
Many scoffers doubted the legitimacy of Jesus Christ, and his misfit group of followers, which today has grown to a worldwide body of believers known as Christianity. The disciples for the most part were poor uneducated men and women totally unworthy of being chosen by the Lord to spread Christianity worldwide.The Pharisees and Sadducees blinded by their Religious educated self-righteousness passed judgment on Christ and his followers as foolishness.
All members of the this church are members of respected Protestant mainstream Christianity. All may belong to any other church while associated with us,as we are all children of One God and His son Jesus Christ!
After you have been ordained you may if you desire and want to order a printed credentials
2910 E.57th STE. 5 # 326
Spokane, WA 99223
1. Simple Salvation Church of God is not legally responsible for all the actions of ministers they Ordain.
2. Persons ordained by Simple Salvation Church of God are independent ministers and have the same rights as any other minister of faith or from any other big church.
3.Simple Salvation Church of God is exempt from taxation as outlined by the United States of America constitution.
4 Simple Salvation Church of God ordains men and women.
5.Does not ordain Active Homosexuals or felons or any who have not repented of their sinful life!

If you appreciate this Ministries efforts of enabling believers through our FREE Ordination, please make a donation of any amount. Thank you.
Please Fill out This Short Question Form and E-Mail it to
Your Name [This is the name that will appear on your credentials]
Your Email Address and a Street address or PO box zip code City and State Country
Year you were saved, [you must be born again to be Ordained]
Your Church Denomination [ we will not ordain anyone out of the Christian faith]
Do you attend Church regularly, if not why not?
Male or Female
Your age [you must be 18 years old or older to be ordained]
Thank you who feel called to preach or share the words of God--We welcome you!
IN the Spokane Washington Area!
We Will travel if you want our services?
For a extra donation
E mail me

or mail us at
2910 E.57th STE. 5 # 326
Spokane, WA 99223
Washington Marriage Laws
Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal
in Washington State. In order to get married,
you need to apply and receive a marriage license.
ID Requirement: Valid Driver's License,
Certified Birth Certificate or Valid Passport.
If Previously Married:
A divorce must be final and filed before
applicants can apply for a license.
Documents are not necessary.

Residency Requirement:
You Do not have to be a resident of Washington
Application Requirement:Both the bride and groom must
appear in person at the time of applying.
Fees:$58.00 - cash or check only
(Spokane County). as of Aug. 2012
Prices Varies from County to County.
Waiting Period: Three day waiting period.
Blood Tests: No blood test requirement.
Under 18: Applicants between 17 and 18 years of age need to have a parent
(legal custodian) present with them to provide their consent.
If you are under 17 years old, you will need to have the age
requirement waived by a superior court judge of the county
in which one of the parties resides.
Proof of age such as a driver's license or birth certificate
is also required along with the written permission of the family court.
Emancipated minors must present court emancipation papers
specifically allowing the minor to marry.
Proxy Marriages: No.
Same-Sex Marriages: NO
The laws governing marriage in the state of Washington require
that the parties to the marriage be a male and a female.
That means it is not possible for a same-sex couple to obtain a
license to marry in this state. This law may change but, we reserve the right
to not do same sex marriages on religous issues. DON'T ASK !
Regularly licensed or ordained ministers or any priest of any
church or religious denomination anywhere within the state
may perform marriages. Ministers must send certificate of marriage
to the county auditor within 30 days after the marriage.
Valid: License is valid for 60 days.
The license can only be used within the State of Washington 
You may obtain a license at
1116 West Broadway Avenue,
on the 2nd floor of the
Spokane County Courthouse.
Open Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 5:00pm, excluding holidays.
Spokane County Auditor
West 1116 Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260-0020
(509) 477-2270
Idaho Marriage Laws
Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal in Idaho.
In order to get married, you need to apply and receive a marriage license, In Idaho. A couple needs no witnesses or blood tests, and there is no waiting period to get a marriage license. There is no residency requirement in the State of Idaho to obtain an Idaho Marriage License.
You must, however, be 18 or older
(under 18 requires parental consent).
PROOF OF AGE REQUIREMENTS: One of the following:
Driver's License, State Identification Card, Birth Certificate,
Social Security Printout.
Consent in writing, duly ACKNOWLEDGED and SWORN to
OATHS, of the father, mother or legal guardian.
When a legal guardian gives permission, proof of said
guardianship must be presented.
(Deputies in the Recorder's Office and Notary Publics
are authorized to administer oaths).
Licenses issued in Idaho must be solemnized in Idaho.
Marriages between parents and children, ancestors and descendent's
of every degree, and between brothers and sisters of the half as well as
the whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, are incestuous, and void from the beginning, whether the relationship is legitimate or illegitimate. All marriages between first cousins are prohibited.
Common Law Marriage: No.
Same Sex Marriages: No.
You must buy a marriage license for Coeur d'Alene or
Post Falls,ID area weddings at the
Kootenai County Courthouse,
501 Government Way --
$28 on weekdays and $45 on Saturdays, no personal checks.
Certified copies of marriage licenses are available by mail request
or you can come into our office during business hours.
The fee is $2.00 for each certified copy.
Requests per the Internet are not valid.

click here--CHURCH BELIEFS,Wedding Info read n call

 SIMPLE SALVATION BELIEFS and Wedding  Info please read below Washington State and Idaho Laws and email us at

Simple Salvation Church of God believes in THE FOLLOWING:

Our Beliefs are not a closed creed, unlike other churches with closed minds and doctrines, we search for new truths all the time. We feel we have open minds and seek further truths in the word as we ourselves grown in Spirit and knowledge.

We teach YEHOVAH/Yahweh ("I Am That I Am" ) this is Hebrew for the Sacred Name of God), Yeshua or some use Y'shua is also (Hebrew, for Gods Only Begotten Son Jesus) and the Holy Spirit.(Matthew 10:20 ) explicitly says "For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you." The meaning, of corse refers to the Holy Spirit as in ( Mark 13:11) which notes, "but when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do you premeditate; but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye; for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost (Spirit)." Again I say "how can The Holy Spirit just be a breath" ?

What is a Christian
Every person who trusts and believes in Jesus Christ-Y'shua Messiah as the only begotten son of God. One who strives to live as Jesus lived, thus being like HIM. A Christian experiences a new birth through The Holy Spirit and is placed by adoption as sons and daughters into a right relationship by GOD'S Grace.The Christians life is characterized by the fruit of the Holy Spirit. Judge Not less you be judged.
(Romans 5:1; Romans 8:9, 14-15; Romans 10: 9-13; John 1:12-13 Mark:8:34; John 3:5-7; Galatians 2:20 ; John 13:35; John 3:16-17)

Christian Behavior
Is characterized by trusting in and loving the Lord and Savior Yeshua, who loved us FIRST and gave himself for us. Trusting in Jesus Christ is expressed by belief in the gospel and by faith with works of love. Through the Holy Spirit, Christ transforms the hearts of believers, producing in them love, joy, peace, faithfulness, meekness, kindness, goodness,gentleness, self-control, righteousness, and truth.
(Galatians 5:6; Ephesians 5:9; Galatians 5:22-23; 1 John 3:23-24; 1 John 4:20-21;2 Corinthians 5:15)

The Angelic Realm
The holy angels serve God as messengers and agents, they are appointed to attend to those who will obtain salvation, and will accompany Christ at his return. Angels are created ministering spirits, endowed with free will.The disobedient angels are called demons, evil spirits, and unclean spirits.
(Matthew 25:31 ; Matthew 10:1; Mark 1:23; Hebrews 1:14;2 Peter 2:4; Revelation 1:1; Revelation 22:6)
Satan The Devil
Satan,also called The Great Dragon, is the fallen Arch-angel (Lucifer) who heads the evil forces in the spirit realm. Lucifer who became Satan is in constant rebellion against God. The Bible refers to him with such terms as the devil, adversary, evil one, murderer, Father of all lies,thief,tempter, accuser of the brethren, prince of demons, prince of Darkness and god of this world. Through his influence, Satan generates discord, deception, and disobedience among all human beings. In Christ JESUS, Satan is already defeated, and his dominion and influence as god of this world will cease at Christ Jesus' return.
Job 1:6-12;Zechariah 3:1-2;Genesis 3:1-5;John 3:8;John 8:44;Luke 10:18; Revelation 12:9&10;1 Peter 5:8 ; 2 Corinthians 4:4;Hebrews 2:14; Revelation 20:1-3 )

The Gospel also called the Good news
Is the good news of salvation by God's grace through faith in Y'shua --Jesus Christ. >It is the message that Christ died for all sins, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, that he appeared to his disciples, and that he ascended to God's right hand where He sits now. It is the good news that through the saving work of Yeshua the Christ we may enter the kingdom of God.That we must live by the "Golden Rule" which is LOVE EVERYONE as your own self, not just a few people but, EVERYONE. That He is coming again one day to set up His Father Yahweh's Kingdom here on earth and rule for 1,000 years as King of Kings and Lord of Lords for all mankind to bow down and know who God is! ALL WILL BE SAVED!
(1 Corinthians 15:1-5; Luke 24: 46-48; John 3:16; Matthew 28:19-20; Acts 5:31;Mark 1:14-15; Acts 8:12; Acts 28: 30-31)

God's people are to pray to the Father in the name of Jesus, the Mediator and High Priest at God's throne. Prayer is to be offered at all times, for all people,for God's will to be done, and with thanksgiving and confession.The sick are to call for the elders of the church to anoint them with oil and pray for their healing. Those who call upon the NAME OF JESUS, Y'shua individually or collectively, will have their prayers answered in accordance with Yahweh the Fathers will, and whatever the immediate purpose, prayer should be that God's Will be done on earth as in heaven! 
(Matthew 6:10; I John 5:14-15). We must forgive to be forgiven Matthew 6:14 The Holy Spirit will help us to pray
(Romans 8:26-27).When we ask in faith and in the Name of Yeshua Messiah, He will hear (John 15:16; James 1:6-7;Hebrews 4:14-16; John 14:13-14; 1 Timothy 2:1-8; 1 Thessalonians 5:17;Philips 4:6; James 5:14-16; 1 John 5:14; Matthew 6:9-13.

God's Grace is the free unmerited favor of God the Father! A GIFT FOR EACH ONE OF US!
He has chosen to bestow on his entire people and His whole creation, In its broadest sense, God's grace is expressed in every act of his self-disclosure in love. By this grace, humanity and the entire cosmos have been redeemed from sin and death through Yeshua Christ, and it is by grace alone! WE WILL ALL BE SAVED,humans are empowered to know and love God and his son Yeshua--Jesus the Christ and enter the joy of eternal salvation of the kingdom of God (Ephesians 2:8-9; 1 John 2:1-2; Romans 3:24; Romans 5:2;Colossians 1:20;Romans 8:19-21;John 1:12;Titus 3:7; Romans 5:15-21)

What about Sin?
SIN is rebellion against God and His commandments a curse of sin can only be removed by God's grace through Jesus Christ / Yeshua's Blood! ALL humans are sinners, all humans need the salvation God offers through his Son Yeshua Messiah. Once you except Yeshua and say his name out loud and believe ,you are saved by His Blood-this is true Salvation-- everything else is Man's RELIGION! IT IS NOT YOUR RELIGION OR YOUR CHURCH That is going to do the job. NONE OF THESE THINGS CAN or will not SAVE YOU! ONLY BY GODS GRACE &THE BLOOD OF His son JESUS /YESHUA ARE WE SAVED! (Mark 7:21-23; Galatians 5:19-21; Romans 6:23; Romans 5:12; 1 John 3:4; Romans 3:23-24;Romans 7:24-25; Hebrews 9:15)

Faith in God  is a gift of God, rooted in his incarnate Son and enlightened by his eternal Word through the witness of the Holy Spirit in the Scriptures. Faith in God prepares and enables our minds and emotions to understand and receive God's gracious gift of salvation. It empowers us to participate in spiritual fellowship and committed to God Almighty through Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ is the author and perfecter of our faith, and it is through faith and that not by any works or doing some laws , we are saved by grace. Jesus--Yeshua Messiah did it by hanging on the cross and His blood is what has bought your Salvation forever more !
(John 1:1-4; Romans 12:3; Acts 3:16; Ephesians 2:8; Hebrews 11:1; Romans 5:1-2; Acts15:19; Romans 1:17; 1 Corinthians 2:5; Acts 14:27 Ephesians 3:12; Hebrews 12:2)

The Plan of Salvation
God provided the way of salvation for all humanity by Yeshua Messiah you see Jesus is a made up name where the son's name is Hebrew is " Yeshua" It is he who gained this redemption by His sinless life, His atoning death, and His resurrection. In this, Yeshua Messiah became our legal representative in heaven. Through His merits, forgiveness of sin and the assurance of eternal life, belongs to all those who believe in and accepts God's plan of salvation through Christ. Y'shua died for ALL sins so, HE could purchased eternal salvation for ALL who continue in the faith.  (1 Timothy 2:6) ;ACTS 4:12 : John 3:16; John 6:40; 2 Peter 3:9; 1 Peter 1:18, 19; 2:21-24;Romans 3:23-25; 5:1, 6-11; Hebrews 4:15; Colossians 1:20-23; Luke 3:6)

Assurance of Salvation
The Bible affirms that all whose faith remains in Yeshua will be saved, and that nothing "can snatch them out of his hand." The Bible emphasizes the infinite faithfulness of the Lord, the total sufficiency of Jesus Christ for our salvation, the dynamic love of God for all peoples, and the gospel as the power of God for the salvation of all who believe. Having such assurance of salvation, believers are urged to remain firm in the faith and to grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Yeshua Messiah. Y'shua is the real name for Jesus ,use it when you pray and you will see more power in your prayers. (John 10:27-29; Hebrews 6:4-6; Romans 1:16; Hebrews 4:14; John 3:16; 2 Corinthians 1:20-22;2 Peter 3:18; 2 Timothy 1:9; 1 Corinthians 15:2)

Repentance toward a gracious God is a change of mind and attitude, it is not just saying "I AM SORRY" YOU have to change from your old sinful ways of living ,prompted by the Holy Spirit and grounded in the Word of God everyone can change (repent of their past lives). It includes an awareness of personal sinfulness and accompanies a new life sanctified through faith in JESUS / Yeshua Messiah
(Acts 2:38; Romans 12:2; Romans 2:4; Matthew 3:11; 2 Peter 3:9)
Justification is God's gracious act in and through Yeshua or Christ to pronounce and establish a believer as righteous in his sight. Thus, humanity experiences through faith in Jesus Christ divine forgiveness and peace with its Savior and Lord.You Are Saved by Your Faith In Y'shua=JESUS CHRIST
(Galatians 2:16; Romans 5:9-10; Romans 3:21-31;Romans 4:1-8)

Sanctification is God's gracious act of accounting and imparting the righteousness and holiness of Y'shua /Jesus Christ/ to the believer. It is experienced through faith in Him and accomplished through the in dwelling presence of the Holy Spirit He was sent by the Father to guide us to our Almighty Himself.
(1 John 1: 8-9;Romans 6: 22;Romans 6:11;Galatians 5:22-23; 2 Thessalonians 2:13)

The Sabbath Day
We believe that one day out of seven is the Sabbath unto God (Exodus 20:10) and that the 12 tribes of Israel where to keep it: (Deuteronomy 5:15) and it was as a sign between them and the Lord God when they came out of sin, Elohim took them out of Egypt to learn his laws because for over 400 years they did not know their God or his laws which showed what sin is 
(Exodus 31:16-17)
We believe Christ Jesus -Yeshua became our Sabbath  (Hebrews 4:8; Col 2:16-17);Hebrews 4:9-11) There remaineth therefore a rest (Gr. Sabbatismos) to the people of God) All New Testament Christians who know their Bible and follow Y'shua, know for sure that He is our SABBATH OF SPIRITUAL RESTYou see Gentiles of the New Testament (most of us today) where never commanded to keep a seventh Day Sabbath!  Except those who converted to the Jewish way of life.
NO WHERE are we commanded to go to Church on a certain day Saturday or Sunday or any other Day! The 4Th commandment was a foreshadowing of the coming of Christ,Yeshua who came and Jesus fulfill all the laws while hanging on a tree over 2,000 years ago. Yes, Yeshua Messiah finished the written codes and took them to the cross and by him- YESHUA / JESUS IS OUR REST FOREVER.
We believe Christ became our Sabbath read it for yourself, in your own Bibles .(
Hebrews 4:8-10 and Matthew 11:28-30);Col 2:16-17). There remaineth therefore a rest to the people of God (Hebrews  4:9-11)
Notice : The DAY OF THE LORD is never called the Sabbath. The true Sabbath is LIFE and FAITH in Jesus Christ, in whom every believer finds spiritual rest. The weekly Sabbath Day, in the Ten Commandments, was a shadow that prefigured the true Reality-of who JESUS is- and to whom it pointed AS our Lord and Savior-who (Finished) all the law! Look at the word (fulfilled) it Means (complete) Jesus completed all the Law because he was the only one who could! We are all complete by our YESHUA MESSIAH,Jesus the Christ who the Jews Killed by their Law.

Yeshua Messiah, fulfilled (Finished) the law by, hanging on the cross for all mankind to be saved. Therefore We keep each day in the Spirit of the law, for everyday is already fulfilled in the Lord . This is what Spirit of the Law means ! Look this up in your own Bibles people, it is up to you and God. Read the word from God do not just take a minister's word--we may be WRONG? Check and see for yourself ( Matthew.11:28-30;Exodus 20:8-11;Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 4:3,8-10)
 Worship is the divinely created response to the glory of God by the power of the Holy Spirit, It is motivated by divine love and springs from God's revelation of himself in communion with his creation. Worship involves humbly and joyfully giving God priority in all things and is expressed in such actions and attitudes as prayer, praise, singing, celebration, generosity, acts of mercy, and repentance. (It is NOT IN JUST GOING TO SOME CHURCH) YOU ARE THE CHURCH " WHERE TWO OR THREE ARE GATHERED IN MY NAME THERE I WILL BE ALSO" Jesus Himself said this.
(Hebrews 5:8-11; Hebrews 12:28; Ephesians 5:18-20; 1 Peter 2:9-10; 1 John 4: 19; Philippians 2:5-11; John 4:23; Colossians 3:16-17)

Water baptism, which signifies a believer's repentance and acceptance of Jesus Christ /Yeshua Messiah as Lord and Savior, is a participation in the death and resurrection of Christ. Baptism of the Spirit and fire refers to the regenerating and purifying work of the Holy Spirit which comes to you after you receive Baptism. We baptize in the Name of the Father,Son and Holy Ghost ,and by the name of Jesus /Yeshua then by immersion in Water and laying on of hands, then the Lord Baptizes you with fire!
(Luke 3:16; Matthew 28:19; 1 Corinthians 12:13; Acts 2:38; Romans 6:4-5;1 Peter 1: 3-9; Matthew 3:16; Acts 1:22)

The Lord's Supper
The evening before Yeshua Messiah was crucified, he took bread and the cup of wine,saying,"Take for This is my body, which is broken for you.Then he took the cup of wine(not grape juice) and said " This cup is the new covenant in my blood."
THE NEW TESTAMENT STARTED THAT NIGHT and Whenever we celebrate the Lord's Supper "as often as you do this,do it in remembrance of me". Some teach only once a year ,where We partake with bread and the cup of wine in remembrance of our Savior, proclaiming his death until he comes when needed ,or as the Spirit moves us! The Lord's Supper is a participation in the death and resurrection of our Lord,who gave his body and shed his blood so that we might be forgiven of all our sins.It is a renewing of soul and mind and not to be taken lightly.Thus no one under 18 years of age should take it. Of coarse there are a few exceptions of maturity of a person!
(1 Corinthians 11:23-26; 1 Corinthians 10:16; Mark 14:18-26;Matthew 26:17-19, 26-29; Luke 22:19, 20)

Love Offerings or Freely Giving
Your generosity to God and His church,as one who freely gives shows, the responsibility of offering a portion of one's financial resources to the work of the body of Christ. Donations fund the God-given mission of the church to preach the gospel and feed the flock. Such giving reflects the believer's worship, faith, obedience, and love for God, who is the Source of salvation and Giver of all good things. People know a church needs funds to stay open for services like paying for a building,lights,phone,etc------
Giving from the heart is what God wants He doesn't need our money.
(1 Corinthians 9:1-14; 2 Corinthians 9:6-11; 1 Peter 4:10; Genesis 4:3;)

OUR Church Leadership
The Head of the church is the living YESHUA Messiah/Jesus Christ, who reveals the will of the Father to the church through the Holy Spirit. Through the Scriptures the Holy Spirit instructs, and empowers, the church to serve the needs of it's congregations. We at Simple Salvation Church of God continually seek to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit in serving congregations. As it's ordained followers we strive to be leaders for Christ Jesus/Y'SHUA MESSIAH.
(John 16:13-15; John 3:21; Ephesians 4:11-16; Ephesians 1:15-23; Colossians 1: 18)

Prophecy, Signs of the Times
Bible prophecy was given for our instruction and warning, that we might know, history is moving toward its ultimate climax. Today's events and human conditions confirm the Word of God and the certainty of Jesus Christ returning soon. These fulfillment emphasize the call for sinners to flee from the wrath to come, and the call for believers to come out of religious confusion. The Churches who preach Doctrines of Men and Laws of Old should wake up from their sleep.We are a new being by the New Testament written 60 years after Yeshua died -think about it, there was no new testament for the 1ST century church to live by.
(2 Peter 1:19-21; Luke 21:5-36; 2 Timothy 3:1-7; Revelation 14:9-12; 18:4)

The Regathering of Israel
The Scriptures contain many promises that the descendants of the children of Israel shall return to inhabit the lands of the Bible (formerly called Palestine)This was fulfilled in 1948 when Israel became a nation,all those who set dates before this failed in their preaching. This prophecy is being fulfilled in Israel today, and the events of the Middle East continually signal that the return of Jesus Christ is imminent.WATCH FOR THE THIRD TEMPLE to be built IN ISRAEL SOON and then the Man of Sin to be revealed ! (Isaiah 11:11, 12; Jeremiah 31:7-12; 32:37-44; Ezekiel 37:21-28; 38:8-16;Amos 9:11-15; Luke 21:20-24, 31; Psalm 102:16; Matt:24:31-35)

The Second Coming of Christ
Christ will return to Earth in fulfillment of an often repeated Bible prophecy. He will come audibly, visibly, bodily,and suddenly, in the clouds of heaven,as He departed.
DO NOT LET ANYONE FOOL YOU! No one knows the day or hour of His coming; but there is more reason than ever to believe it is near. Human history has this appointment,and believers live in this expectation: Christ is coming back to Earth to consummate the plan of redemption and salvation of all mankind.
(John 14:1- 3; Acts 1:7-11; 1 Thessalonians 4:16;; Matthew 25:31, 32; Mark 8:38; 13:32; Job 19:25-27; Luke 17:22-37; Matthew 24:30; Revelation 1:7; Revelation:6-9;Revelation 19:13-16; Revelation 22:12)

God is preserving the faithful until the day of resurrection to be rewarded,and is reserving the wicked until the Day of Judgment to be punished. At the second advent of Jesus Christ, the righteous dead will be raised to immortality and to the rewards of their service on the new earth. (John 5:28,29;Acts 24:15;Revelation 22:12;1Thess 4:16;1 Cor.15:20-23,51-53;1 Peter 1:5;
2 Peter 2:9; Job 19:25-27;2 Timothy 4:1; Revelation 5:10; 20:5,11-15 Romans 6:23;
Ezekiel 18:4, 20; Malachi 4:1-3

The Reward of Believers
Salvation and eternal life in Yeshua/Jesus as children of God, in communion with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. True believers will have their inheritance reserved in heaven to be bestowed fully at the second coming of Christ. The resurrected saints will reign with Christ in the kingdom of God for a 1,000 years,Then Almighty God will come to earth to rule and live with His children forever in a New Earth and Heaven. (
Revelation 5:10; 1 John 3:1-2)Romans 8;16-21; 1 Peter 1:3-5; 1 John 2:25; Colossians 1:13; Daniel 7:27; 1 John 3:1-2; 

Eternal Judgment
At the end of the age, God will gather all the living and the dead before the heavenly white throne of Christ for judgment. Yeshua our Lord makes gracious and just provision for all, even for those who at death appear not to have believed the gospel.
(Matthew 25:31- 32; John 5:28-29; John 12:32; Acts 24:15; Acts 10:43;1 Corinthians 15:22-28; Revelation 20:11-15;1Timothy 2:3-6; 2 Peter 3:9)

Hell mistranslations-translation
In the New Testament, hell is referred to by the terms: " lake of fire," outerdarkness," or "Gehenna" which is a gorge outside Jerusalem even today ,where garbage is still burned. We believe there is NO EVER BURNING HELL! (but a ever burning lake of fire)The biblical terms Sheol and Hades, often translated "hell" or "the grave," by the King James Bible refers to the realm of the dead. NOT PEOPLE BURNING day and night forever and ever, LIKE MOST Churches TEACH TODAY?
is the separation and alienation from God chosen by incorrigible sinners. The Bible teaches that unrepentant sinners will suffer the second death (from which there is no resurrection ) in the lake of fire which burns forever, (note here that : " people are not burning forever")This is false dogma,brought drown from the mother church (Catholic Church)Passed down to all Modern Protestant Churches and Fed to the people of blind faith who do not read their Bibles themselves but, take the word of some Church leader like the Pope or their own Pastor! Some big churches which still are teaching false doctrines, where taught these same Doctrines from some headquarters some where,who would fire them all if they preached what their Bibles really say!. Please read these scriptures before you make up your minds this isn't true? (Matthew 13:42;Matthew 10:28;Revelation 20:14-15; Hebrews 10:27;2 Thessalonians 1:8-9;Revelation 21:8; Matthew 25:41,46;Hebrews 12:29;2 Peter 3:7;Psalm 49:14-15)

The Kingdom: Present, Millennial, and Eternal
The kingdom of God (kingdom of heaven) is realized in three phases:
The spiritual kingdom of grace exists now as God rules in the lives of obedient believers. Although God's kingdom has always been, it was publicly announced and most clearly revealed in Jesus Christ. We become its citizens when we turn from our sins to faith in Jesus Christ.
The millennial kingdom begins with the Second Advent. Jesus Christ our Lord will reign on the throne of His glory and put all enemies under His feet. This is the time of restoration of the earth, when the redeemed shall rule with Jesus Christ on earth for one thousand years. At the close of the millennium 1,000 years, the New Jerusalem will come down from heaven.We will be judges and priest and reign with Jesus for 1,000 years-think about that me beloved saints?

 The eternal kingdom of God will come to pass when Jesus Christ turns the kingdom over to his Father. Then God will dwell with His people in the New Heavens and the New Earth, where there will be righteousness and peace forever with no defilement, disappointment, or death.
(Psalm 145:13; Matthew 3:2; 4:17;12:28; Luke 17:20, 21;Colossians 1:13;
Revelations 20:4-6;Psalm 2:8, 9; 1 Corinthians 15:21-28; Revelations 11:15; 21:1-27)


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Simple Salvation Church of God

(New mailing address)

2910 E.57th STE. 5 # 326
Spokane, WA 99223



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We Will travel if you want our services?
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Washington Marriage Laws

Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal
in Washington State. In order to get married,
you need to apply and receive a marriage license.

ID Requirement: Valid Driver's License,
Certified Birth Certificate or Valid Passport.

If Previously Married:
A divorce must be final and filed before
applicants can apply for a license.
Documents are not necessary.

Residency Requirement:
You Do not have to be a resident of Washington

Application Requirement:Both the bride and groom must

  • Payment of $62 by check, cashier’s check or money order, made payable to the Spokane County Auditor.
  • We cannot accept payment over the phone or by electronic transfer. ($59 if either applicant is active military)

Prices Varies from County to County.
Waiting Period: Three day waiting period.

Blood Tests: No blood test requirement.

Under 18: Applicants between 17 and 18 years of age need to have a parent

(legal custodian) present with them to provide their consent.
If you are under 17 years old, you will need to have the age
requirement waived by a superior court judge of the county
in which one of the parties resides.
Proof of age such as a driver's license or birth certificate
is also required along with the written permission of the family court.

Emancipated minors must present court emancipation papers
specifically allowing the minor to marry.

Proxy Marriages: No.

Same-Sex Marriages: NO
The laws governing marriage in the state of Washington require
that the parties to the marriage be a male and a female.
That means it is not possible for a same-sex couple to obtain a
license to marry in this state. This law may change but, we reserve the right

to not do same sex marriages on religious issues. DON'T ASK !

Regularly licensed or ordained ministers or any priest of any
church or religious denomination anywhere within the state
may perform marriages. Ministers must send certificate of marriage

to the county auditor within 30 days after the marriage.

Valid: License is valid for 60 days. 
The license can only be used within the State of Washington 

You may obtain a license at
1116 West Broadway Avenue,
on the 2nd floor of the
Spokane County Courthouse.
Open Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 5:00pm, excluding holidays.

Spokane County Auditor
West 1116 Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260-0020
(509) 477-2270

Idaho Marriage Laws
Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal in Idaho.

In order to get married, you need to apply and receive a marriage license, In Idaho. 

couple needs no witnesses or blood tests, and there is no waiting period to get a marriage license.

There is no residency requirement in the State of Idaho to obtain an Idaho Marriage License.

You must, however, be 18 or older
(under 18 requires parental consent).
PROOF OF AGE REQUIREMENTS: One of the following:
Driver's License, State Identification Card, Birth Certificate,
Social Security Printout.


Consent in writing, duly ACKNOWLEDGED and SWORN to

OATHS, of the father, mother or legal guardian.
When a legal guardian gives permission, proof of said
guardianship must be presented.
(Deputies in the Recorder's Office and Notary Publics
are authorized to administer oaths).

Licenses issued in Idaho must be solemnized in Idaho.

Marriages between parents and children, ancestors and descendent's
of every degree, and between brothers and sisters of the half as well as
the whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, are incestuous, and void from the beginning,  whether the relationship is legitimate or illegitimate. All marriages between first cousins are prohibited.

Common Law Marriage: No.

Same Sex Marriages: No.

You must buy
Marriage licenses for Coeur d’Alene/Post Falls/Hayden/Rathdrum area

weddings can be purchased at the Kootenai County Courthouse, 501 Government Way –

Marriage licenses are issued 9:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday ($31 fee) and Saturdays ($48 fee)

from 9:00AM to 2:00PM, except holiday weekends. CASH ONLY.




My Personal Testimony-Credentials


Personal Testimony Of Evangelist/Chaplain Jimmie Wayne Warren DD

by the " Grace of God Go I "


To begin,I was born on March 17th 1947  in the city of St. Louis, Mo Now I am an Evangelist for our God (ELOHIM) The Almighty YAHWAH and his only begotten son, " YESHUA MESSIAH " or JESUS the CHRIST.

 I am a humble Servant and have the title of President and Founder of Simple Salvation Church of God, which started and is inspired by MY PARTNER & MASTER ,THE HOLY SPIRIT on February 1994 to present day:

I was lead to do church work on the Internet BY A CLOSE FRIEND Brother Mike Webb (who has gone ahead to be with the Lord) and his son Michael Webb to preach by Inter- Net back in 1994. I had started doing a public TV. Show which I named Simple Salvation, by the way the name of our church came to me while I was in prayer. Mike Webb's brother Jerry Webb( Jerry is alos with the Lord) he is the one who told me about public television, Cox Cable Public TV. Now it is Comcast Cable TV. I had finished 5 shows then quit doing the show. After waiting and doing nothing I started asking God what he wanted me to do with all the training I had been taught?  Because I was not ordained by any church at that time?

It took me five years later to became ordained as a ordained minister,then on October 1999 and it was another five years to become a fully chartered church.  The Lord Yeshua put on my mind to help others like me who wanted to open a church so I started ordaining other men and women to go forth with the Good News, that Jesus or Yeshua Messiah is coming back soon! Then the Lord lead me to name his church : "Simple Salvation Church of God" which was chartered as a full service church on the Internet on  Feb.12th 2006 to Present Day and as long as God permits us to keep going around the world we will do what he commands and wills us to do in His work.

Here are some of My Past sins, which I believe lead me to serve and Praise Our God Elohim " YAHWAY"!

I was raised by God fearing parents with my mothers Mom who being a Pentecostal minister taught the Good News of the coming kingdom of God being here on earth! I went to Sunday services every time I spent the night with my grandmother and my youngest aunt Wanda, who was just 5 years older than me. We grew up in church together until teenage hit, then like other teens, we started listening good old American Bandstand and a guy named ELVIS, we started smoking like all the rest of the teens, we went wild-eyed into "rock and roll." Aunt Wanda had boy friends for her age while I was to young to know about the other sex, I discovered girls however, in the early 1960's where the Moto was"drugs, sex, and rock n roll."

Back then the girls became just as wild as the boys thanks to birth control pills, I was with lots of free loving girls about 16-18 or what we thought love was until some found out the hard way it wasn't love but it was lust! Of course we both wondered off from God and forgot our teaching of Jesus but, God thru his love and Grace never gives up on people, never ever when you have been called ! All thanks and PRAISE to Him for his loving GRACE and FORGIVENESS ! Amen.

My dad Lonnie W. Warren and my mom Mary S.B. Warren along with my little brother Nick W. Warren we moved from ST. LOUIS,Missouri in the spring of 1962 to a small town named  Livermore, California which is about 30 miles near the San Francisco Bay Area. My Dad had been hired to work on the new pipeline up in Alaska.On the way we stopped to see My mothers cousin. His name was Walter Garrette and  wife Maria they had three children which were my cousins by marriage. We decided to lived in Livermore which was along the way so,we stayed for 3 1/2 years never making it to Alaska .

I do not know what all my aunt Wanda went into but, trouble and I soon followed especially being near Height Asbury, and Berkeley and San Francisco in the mid 1960's, I just went with the flow and had what I thought was fun and wild times. I ran into trouble with drinking and spending a night in the local jail for drinking under age which did not seem to phase my hard head. My Dad came to get me out of jail later that day,I will never forget what he said while looking through the bars " I would rather see you in the Hospital or the Morgue than here in this jail cell! You have broken your mother and my hearts. The way your going ,your going to end up hurting someone.or worse yet kill someone with your car. I was sad but, I didn't want to change my ways yet, I was having too much fun well so called fun--Satan's kind of fun, you know what I mean? When I got home I was so sick from booze and my head was pounding like a hammer hitting it but, the worse pain was seeing my poor mom crying because I went to jail by sinning,she had warn me "God was going to punish me if I kept sinning the way I was",she was right I just didn't see it then because I had signed up for the ARMY  to fight in  Vietnam and probably be killed ,that's why I drank and drove my car fast I did not care if I got killed.The President of the United States was killed right in fount of us on TV and thousands of young men were coming home in body bags,I wanted to get in my fun in life.

 I would not listen to my parents they already lived their lives ,I could do it my way and better after all, because I knew everything about life now, I was all grown up at 18 years old, having sex, drinking, and even trying a little weed, I was having a great time right? After all it was the sixties and everybody was doing what I was doing so, I thought!

Well my girl friend of 3 years left me because her Mother and my parents were of different religions, her's being Catholic and wanting any children we had to be raised as Catholics but, with my parents being Pentecostal,They taught me that all Catholic were going to be with the Anti-Christ and destroy the world!

My girl friend and I just wanted to get married and didn't care about religion that was our parents problem. But stupid religion split us apart anyway and I was hurt so bad I didn't care anymore about anything. I blamed both our parents for taking the love of my life away from me,and she went right along with her Mother of course. We talked once more after it all ended and I thought we would get together and run away but her mom got the news and took my girl friend out of state where I didn't know?

Now after a few months I decided to join the Army they were going to draft me sooner or later anyhow because they need more children for Vietnam right? It was now late fall and the Army was waiting to see when I was to go to boot camp because a sickness hit and many new guys died so they said they would wait to send me to camp so I enjoy the holidays of Christmas come January I was in boot camp and off to fight for our country.

I was to be sent out in the December of 1965 but, people were getting sick at my boot camp so they let me stay home thru the holidays before being shipped out . I started back drinking even more and hot rodding fast cars, doing stupid things, like hanging out of car doors while doing over 100 miles an hour, drag racing during the night by a full moon on back old country roads, and not caring if I died or not while thinking what difference did it make anyhow pretty soon I would be at war in some jungle with a bullet waiting with my name on it,this is all I could think about.

About a month earlier in November 1965 I got kidney stones which hurt so bad I would almost passed out from the pain.

It was the first time in the hospital, my faithful mother would come to the hospital everyday after working all day to sit and pray for me, and pray for the pain to go away, the stones and pain somehow disappeared, maybe her prayers worked, anyhow 3 days later I was back to my usual life of sin driving and drinking and so on.

Three weeks later, guess what happened? Your right, the stones were back, and I went into the hospital again only this time for a week, they found the stones this time in the tube between my kidney and my bladder. They went in to get it out with what they called a wire basket through the penis lots of pain when I woke up there was my good loving mom. She came up everyday saying again and again "Jimmie, God wants you to quit living the way your doing wrong, you need to change from sinning for your own good or something worse could happen."

I got out a day or two after Thanksgiving day and like the fool I was I went right back to drinking and partying every night I could sneak out. Then on December 20th I was home from school with a bad tooth ache and when mom came home from working she called a dentist who had an opening before closing time that day. Mom took me to the dentist who had a opening around 4:30 PM ,we took a cab to the dentist I was in misery the pain was so bad the dentist could pull my brain out I would not care.. He took out two teeth on the back top right and one on the left top . Needless to say I was hurting and the pain I was in when he was done pulling my teeth was hurting pretty bad, all I wanted was to get home and fast. I did not want to wait for a Taxi cab, which they said would be at least half an hour,so I asked my mom "lets walk home before dark it will be alright I said. She said are you sure yeah we can cut across the high school football field? It is almost dark and the cold air will hurt your open gums if we walk but, I didn't want to wait any longer I had been hurting all day already so , what was a little cold air, lets just hurry and get back home so I could just lay down and rest from this pain. (little did I know what pain was coming which would be a lot more and worse than anyone can know unless they have lost someone they love)

As we walked mom was right. My gums were hurting like heck, as we neared LIVERMORE high school ,I said "lets cross the street here and cut across the football field to get home faster." I then step out into the street and said, it is clear, come on mom and took her hand, she said to me " be careful like always then said its almost dark and we could get hit." But I pulled her by her hand into the street behind me when I was at the double yellow line in the middle of a four lane street everything went black?  We had been hit by a car speeding in the school zone! I did not see a white car which was going they say, about 40 miles per hour. I was hit from the left side right in the middle of this 1955 white Pontiac car.

 After I hit the hood of the car, I crack the windshield with my head, then hit my head again on the street. I had been knocked out had a broken shoulder and a broken left knee which was the size of an elephant but , my mom was hurt a lot worse which I didn't know until later.She had been thrown down the street about 100-125 yards from where we were hit and had most of her bones broken and internal injuries,the cops didn't even know she was with me until I was asking about how she was? I heard one of the policemen yell look for a lady somewhere down the street then they found her.

I keep asking how is my mom and someone kept saying she is alright just lay still, we will have you both to the hospital in a short time. I remember being loaded into the ambulance asking again how is my mom was doing and a mans voice said she is alright just keep still mom was laid next to me on the floor of the ambulance because they didn't have two ambulances at the seen? I looked down to see her through a mist like cloud around us, she looked good and at peace with just a drop of blood on her forehand her face was peaceful with almost a smile. They thought I was worse because the stitches in my mouth broke open and I was spitting up blood which made them pay me all the attention, after a short time at the hospital my mom died from internal injuries, she was only 39 and I was 18 almost 19 needless to say I was so mad at God for letting the best person in our family die. Why I screamed I deserve to die not my mom you are a awful God I hate you and want nothing to do with you,go ahead and kill me and send me to hell I don't care I want to die?

Some ministers tried to talk to me but, I said " take your God and go to hell", I was really angry God and religion took my only love and girl friend, gave me kidney stones and now, my Mother was killed,and I was still alive so I could just come out healed and maybe go to Vietnam War to fight for a war I did not even believe in, For What I thought? Then I remembered what my mom had said only a month or two ago "Jimmie you have got to change your life or God may do something to get you back to him. Oh man did those words hit hard later while healing in the hospital where this time I spent two weeks and had to wear a leg cast from my hip to my foot which I wore until April 1966 four long months,a life time of woe and misery ! It took more to finally get me to the bottom where I ask God to show me the way he wanted me to go or just put me out of this life forever,I was born again on September third 1967 and the accident saved me from going to war thank God.

This work is for all those who have had it with old time religion, If you are tired of FALSE TEACHING and Non-Biblical truth’s; If you really want to be free in the LORD JESUS CHRIST, then this is one of the many places to come ,you can come to learn about the real Jesus and what he taught in the Bible through articles written here for anyone to read. Read our beliefs statement to see we follow the Bible and not a church doctrine.

I have been with many diverse churches along my path of searching for truth. I was first baptized at a very young age through my dear grandmother’s Pentecostal church in Saint Louis, MO. in 1960, at age 13. Later In Oct.1962 I was baptized again, this time at the age of 15, in the CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST in Livermore, California. Then FINALLY on Sept.03 1967 at Age 20, I asked the Lord back in my life for real ! After many years of being in with the wrong crowd of booze, drugs, and Free Love. The Lord let me hit bottom, until I was sick of my life of drinking and running around ,Then I repented, The Lord lead me into the WORLD-WIDE CHURCH OF GOD in Oakland, California. Later on moving to southern Cal. where their Head Quarter's Ambassador College in Pasadena, CA. I thought I had finally found the so called true church of God!


Through the help of the Holy Spirit I receive most of my biblical training and spokesman skills with the WORLD-WIDE CHURCH OF GOD from the years 1966-1976. After ten years with this church, I found a new calling in the search for GOD'S true WORD. I started visiting many other churches seeking bible knowledge to further gain wisdom in helping others find their way to more truth. The real TRUE CHURCH OF GOD IS SPIRITUAL -


You see you can not put God in a box with a high steeple then say he is here and we have the only truth and the rest of the Christian churches are all wrong?


In 1976 with my good friend Minister Mike Webb we started studying our bibles every week. It was then I becoming a visiting minister to those who had left their different churches, or who had lost their contact to God, all because of Religious ideological differences. Again a lot of these people where asked to leave their own church, just because they dared to ask questions from God's Holy Bible. They where told to follow their so called Leader of their churches until their leaders changed to what the Bible showed something they failed to be doing. Now I ask is that a loving church of God or a mans church with righteous men who want to be dictator's,you decide. Check out your church and ask questions, questions from your Bible, see if your church is doing what is right , IF NOT FIND A NEW CHURCH!

Later I began holding Bible studies in homes of those who wanted to meet and learn more of God’
s freedom. I was lead by The Holy Ghost to help those who felt Lost and abandoned after leaving or being kicked out of their churches.The one I had left taught "They where the only true church of God, because they kept the Old Testament Laws they taught about Holy Days (but,not all) the kept the 7th Day Sabbath which most cannot prove is on a Saturday, simply because they don't know when the first day of Creation was? So, how to have Saturday be the 7th day is a mystery to me? Read and study my article here on our site titled "LET NO MAN DECEIVE YOU"


Many who wanted to get back on the road to God and seek comfort in the Holy Spirit have asked me to have church services. Those who felt completely lost and who are seeking Bible truths will find it at our church site! If you have a open mind and ask Jesus to show you the real truth of His word, it is there for all to read in the bible, forget what you where told and read the your Bible for yourself and prove it for yourself. Amen
Between the years 1976 - 1994 I really disliked that many so called Christian churches still taught the old HELL-FIRE AND DAMNATION which is not even in the bible but the Catholic teaching has seeped into religion and man made doctrines are pulling our churches apart,even God hate religion it is FAITH and GRACE that saves you!

You see churches keep preaching HELL-FIRE because this is the only way they know of to keep people in line. (This doctrine is not even in your Bible as you will discover when you study with an open mind yourself ! ) I want others to share in the truth of the Bible to show that God really does love us and that God's salvation plan is simple and that our Father YAHWAY WILL SAVE ALL MANKIND WHEN YESHUA COMES BACK, THESE ORGANIZED CHURCHES cannot stand this real truth, God wants all mankind to be saved. The Holy Spirit showed me that I was called and ordained by God in John 15:16 when he put me back when I surrendered my life to do what he wanted me to do.

I except this truth in 1994, I was then ordained by man through the Universal Life Church of Modesto, Ca. on October 4 th 1999. I was given the title Evangelist in Nov. 2000. Some people or officials have to have Proff with a piece of paper from some church to see your a minister to do work like prison work or rent a building to open a church or get a loan from someone who needs Prove to let you in and do the work of the Lord. OUR MAIN CALLING IS TO ORDAIN MEN AND WOMEN AND GIVE THEM THE PAPER THIS WORLD NEEDS YOU TO HAVE. 

Later I had to Resigned from The ULC Church on Feb. 2005, I felt I had to quit the ULC because they recognize Pagans and Satan ministers as the same as Christian ministers.

I then became really ordained ,Through Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Church plus two other Christian churches to replace the ULC as of Nov. 2005. (see my credentials below)

With the help of my friends (Mike Webb now is gone on to the kingdom with our Father) & his son Michael Webb, and because of their know how on computers, worked and by the power of the Holy Ghost, they helped us greatly to start on doing our Inter Net Church which you are now reading and we hope learning some new word.

We started the web site church called on Feb.1994. This site is for those who wish to express their views without condemnation from their own churches and for their freedom of their religion.
Many other women and men ministers, have joined in writing articles to share the love of Jesus to all peoples. We are now in many other countries reaching out to a lost world in Jesus' name and for him alone , not of ourselves but, by Yeshua Messiah our KING!

We invite everyone from all walks of life to come and enjoy the many poems and written articles that our site's have to offer you and your loved one's. There are very different churches connected to us and we can agree on one thing for sure ,Jesus Christ is our Lord and is coming back soon! We now have 83 Independent ordained minister of Simple Salvation Church of God. We are all around this country with 5 other independent chartered churches,witch we chartered and have added as churches of God as they share this calling too.


There may be many views on this site that you may not like but, we feel everyone called by the Holy Spirit has been called and sees things in many different ways, and as long as they use the Bible to prove their point of views, then we can agree in most all things. We can also agree to disagree as long as it is ALL about Jesus/YESHUA MESSIAH!

I has been preaching for many years now on how simple it really is to be saved through JESUS CHRIST. We seek new truths ALL the time that can be proved by the holy Bible and we are searching for new ways to serve our fellow believer as the spirit moves. We have open hearts and minds as we look for the truth for it is by God who shows all truth and by his son only can we be saved in the sweet name of JESUS /YESHUA MESSIAH.

I was ordained also as a minister for Saint Luke's then also two other Christian churches to improve MY walk with God as I strive to be a good and faithful servant for the Lord. As an Evangelist/Bishop, I try to show continual service to Jesus Christ . These are all titles of men bestowed on me but, I prefer to be called simply a humble servant of God as brother Warren. I also became a Chaplain with the United States Corps of Chaplains on Nov.22 2005 to better serve my fellow man. I was given the rank of Second Lieutenant in the Washington BGD 5TH DIVISION , and made Spokane Team Leader.

After my first year I was promoted to 1st Lieutenant on October 10th 2006 and most recently after three years of service I was promoted to the rank of Captain on Feb 2008, then promoted and made Acting Commanding Officer for the WA BDE 5TH DIV USCOC. As of Sept 2008 I was raised in rank to Major and Commanding Officer for the 5TH DIV (in 2009) I retired and am doing More work for our Lord Yeshua through our Internet church by ordaining other men and women to go forth as our God said to do for the world to hear about SALVATION FOR ALL !

As Evangelist/Pastor/Chaplain/Bishop-(all titles given of men) I humbly teach that to "BELIEVE IN THE LORD JESUS CHRIST then, repenting of your sins, confess with your mouth OUT LOUD that JESUS is your LORD and MASTER ,KING OF KINGS , " YOU ARE SAVED BY GRACE by Father God ELOHIM /Yahweh!
(THIS is a sign of your new life in Christ Jesus and by Living by the Bible and acting like Christ ,YOU WILL BE FILLED by the Holy Spirit .This is being saved! Yes, You are saved when you except Jesus by change your ways of living a life of sin! This is all you need, the rest is pure religion folks.

I wondered around for almost ten years after leaving the Word-Wide Church of God because I lost faith in men for we all fail and fall way short of the mark! I am sad that I went back to drinking which lets your guard down and it is easier to sin, I know many of you know what I am talking about. Remember what 1 John says If you say your not a sinner, your a lier".  Don't be mad at me, that is what it says! I am just up dating some of what I left out not telling all my sins but, I did a few that I had to go on my knees and repent of. Oh! We have to be so careful because Satan is just waiting for us to fail,remember he knows our every weakness. Be onguard for time is short if your reading this it is time to repent and ask Yahweh for forgivness by the blood of his son Yeshua Messiah or Jesus the Christ!

On September 17th 2017 my son Victor Warren killed himself at age 42 years old,Victor help start this work with me when he was in high school as we did all the production work for Simple Salvation.Victor was my camery man he did all the work behind the work we did to do Public Teleavision he is greatly missed and I can't wait to be in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus where we will all be reunited with our loved one.Amen!

Reading YOUR BIBLE for what it really says YOURSELF, This IS YOUR WAY TO GET CLOSER TO GOD.

The word of God will show you the truth. It tells you, That JESUS is the son of GOD and that he died on the cross (tree) and was RESURRECTED from the dead after three days and three nights in a grave ,then he rose again. Jesus Christ then ascended to the Father in Heaven and sits at his right hand. Jesus will return to this earth visibly soon!

Be ready, Stop playing religion. Give your life to God! Have Faith, you are SAVED! Start thinking saved and you will stay saved for there is no power that can pull you away from God, you are now His child act like it, walk with your head up, your now a ex-sinner! By believing this, you will live forever with Jesus Christ and Our Father God FOREVER!

IT IS NEVER TO LATE TO REPENT, DO IT NOW. Say this prayer with me

"Father in Heaven I repent of my sinful past I confess you only begotten son Jesus and want to live forever with you. Please forgive me, fill me with your Holy Spirit ,lead me into your paths for the rest of my life. Amen"
Jesus loves you for who you are right now, give him your life, he is waiting for you ;
What are you waiting for?


Credentials of Pastor/Chaplain Jimmie Wayne Warren


United States Corps of Chaplain
Chaplain Title Nov.22, 2005
Chaplain(Major) Jimmie W Warren
Commanding Officer
WA, Brigade, 5 TH, Division Nov.22 2005 -----Retired July 2009

Universal Life Church
Modesto, Ca.
Ordained October 4 th 1999.
given title of Evangelist in Nov. 2000.

Left the ULC on 2001 due to Scripture problems and Differences

Church of New Life
5914 Mettler St
Los Angeles, CA 90003
Church Charter for Simple Salvation Church of God  Given Feb. 2006- to date

True Grace Ministries on line
Granted Title Evangelist November 12, 2005- present

Church of the Seven Planes
Ordination as Reverend Nov. 17, 2005-to present
P O BOX 294
Cooper, Texas 75432

Michigan Ministers & Pastors Association
Approved member
by Rev. Robert L Hansen  Feb /16/ 2006-to present

The Church Of Living Water
53 Gypsum Dr.
Newark, DE.19713
ordained Nov.21, 2005-to present Ordained Minister # 9111


The Church of Spiritual Humanism
Jenkintown, PA 19046
Ordained Member of Clergy Ordained Nov. 16, 2005-present

Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries
Internet Christian Site
Ordained Minister Feb. 16th 2006-present

Universal Christian Church of God
P.O. Box 135
Quincy, Illinois 62306 Associated Minister 2006 to present

Simple Salvation Church of God
Pastor General /Founder
P O Box 8585
Spokane, WA.99203
February 1999 to present day


Member Celtic Anabaptist Communion
Associated Bishop
Nov. 2008-------Present
266 Tallaha Road,
Route 1, Box 114-E
Tillatoba, MS 38961

Cox Cable TV
Director, Editor for Public broadcast
of Simple Salvation
March 1994-1996 five shows

Saint Philip Neri Christian (Anglican) Catholic Archdiocese
Consecration and Ordination as
Archbishop_Pennsylvania Chaplain Corps
Chaplain Brigadier General
115 Madison Street  
Byrnedale, Penn, 15827


3818 S. Myrtle Spokane,WA 99223

Archbishop Jimmie W Warren May 2008 -presents

I, Rev. Dr. David M. Ford, on behalf of this ministry and all its members, do hereby select, appoint, and anoint you, Jimmie Warren, a legally ordained independent minister of Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries, and authorize you to perform all standard Christian religious services including the rites of marriage and baptism, on this day, February 16, 2006Rev. Dr. David M. Ford Pastor/Administrator Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries

Gods Living Word Ministries
3108 Maryland Street
Longview WA 98132
Ordained Reverend  Jan 15 2006 - present
The Church of Spiritual Freedom
Centerville, VA 20122
Member in Good Standing  Nov.2005–

World-Wide Church of God
Oakland, California 1966-1969
& Pasadena Ca.1969-1975  Member 1966-1977

Church of Jesus Christ (Pentecostal)
Member 1962-1963
Livermore, CA

International Church of God
Tyler, Texas

Intercontinental Church of God
Member 1997-1998
Spokane, WA

Church of God 7th Day
2929 N Fraya St.
Spokane, WA
Member in good standing Mar 2004 - present

Certificates and Awards:


United States International University
Los Angles California Doctorate of Theology
Conferred upon
Jimmie W. Warren
D. D June 2008

Museum Founding Member For
Certificate of Appreciation
National Law Enforcement Museum

Ambassador College Spokesman Club
Certificate of Merit
June 09 1974
Pasadena Ca.

KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS - - that Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries accepts Jimmie W. Warren, having demonstrated by actions and by statement of faith a love for Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Word, into the world-wide ministry of Saint Luke Evangelical Christian Ministries.



Poetry Awards

Editor’s Choice Award
Presented October 2005
for Outstanding Achievement in Poetry
By poetry. com
Published Poem "Seeing The Light"

s Choice Award

Presented November 2005
Outstanding Achievement in Poetry By poetry. Com International Library
Poem "My God! My God! You Are Near"
February 2006


My Services For Our Lord And Master Yeshua Messiah-- Jesus the Christ

Wedding Officiant 39- wedding Services to date 

Other Ministerial Duties to date:

86 -- ordinations of men and women as Independent Minister's of Jesus Christ
3 Funerals / Memorial Services Conducted to date

Several times as Prayer Leader at other churches

1 - Speaking engagement at a local church the day after 9-11

2 - Different Sermons during two Feast of Tabernacles

3 - Sermons Given during Ministerial Conferences

3- Baptismal
1- House Blessing
5- Independent Chartered Churches
40- Marriage Concealing
8- Men and Women Recruited and ordained for United States Corps of Chaplains

Made Head Brigadier General of Penn. Chaplain Corps by Chaplain of Chaplain Thomas Cole here in The United States and Internationally With Many Affiliated Churches around the world in many other foreign countries like,

Saint Philip Neri Christian (Anglican) Catholic Archdiocese
Consecration and Ordination
Archbishop of the Pennsylvania Chaplain Corps

 ALL PRAISE GOES TO GOD, FOR I AM A SINNER AND NOTHING EXCEPT BY THE BLOOD OF CHRIST JESUS my Lord and master .  " Be certain that he through whom a sinner has been turned from the error of his way, keeps a soul from death and is the cause of forgiveness for sins without number ." (James 5 :20)

Not by any works you can do but, by the grace of God through the blood of Jesus ARE YOU SAVED.

© 2016 Simple Salvation Church of God



 IN the Spokane Washington Area!

We Will travel if you want our services?
For a extra donation

E mail me
or call 509-448-4111



Washington Marriage Laws

Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal
in Washington State. In order to get married,
you need to apply and receive a marriage license.

ID Requirement: Valid Driver's License,
Certified Birth Certificate or Valid Passport.

If Previously Married:
A divorce must be final and filed before
applicants can apply for a license.
Documents are not necessary.

Residency Requirement:
You Do not have to be a resident of Washington

Application Requirement:Both the bride and groom must
appear in person at the time of applying.
 Fees:$58.00 - cash or check only
(Spokane County). as of Aug. 2012
Prices Varies from County to County.
Waiting Period: Three day waiting period.

Blood Tests: No blood test requirement.

Under 18: Applicants between 17 and 18 years of age need to have a parent

(legal custodian) present with them to provide their consent.
If you are under 17 years old, you will need to have the age
requirement waived by a superior court judge of the county
in which one of the parties resides.
Proof of age such as a driver's license or birth certificate
is also required along with the written permission of the family court.

Emancipated minors must present court emancipation papers
specifically allowing the minor to marry.

Proxy Marriages: No.

Same-Sex Marriages: NO
The laws governing marriage in the state of Washington require
that the parties to the marriage be a male and a female.
That means it is not possible for a same-sex couple to obtain a
license to marry in this state. This law may change but, we reserve the right

to not do same sex marriages on religious issues. DON'T ASK !

Regularly licensed or ordained ministers or any priest of any
church or religious denomination anywhere within the state
may perform marriages. Ministers must send certificate of marriage

to the county auditor within 30 days after the marriage.

Valid: License is valid for 60 days.
The license can only be used within the State of Washington 

You may obtain a license at
1116 West Broadway Avenue,
on the 2nd floor of the
Spokane County Courthouse.
Open Monday through Friday
8:30 am to 5:00pm, excluding holidays.

Spokane County Auditor
West 1116 Broadway
Spokane, WA 99260-0020
(509) 477-2270

Idaho Marriage Laws
Here's what you need to know to make the marriage legal in Idaho.

In order to get married, you need to apply and receive a marriage license, In Idaho. A
couple needs no witnesses or blood tests, and there is no waiting period to get a marriage license. There is no residency requirement in the State of Idaho to obtain an Idaho Marriage License.

You must, however, be 18 or older
(under 18 requires parental consent).
PROOF OF AGE REQUIREMENTS: One of the following:
Driver's License, State Identification Card, Birth Certificate,
Social Security Printout.


Consent in writing, duly ACKNOWLEDGED and SWORN to

OATHS, of the father, mother or legal guardian.
When a legal guardian gives permission, proof of said
guardianship must be presented.
(Deputies in the Recorder's Office and Notary Publics
are authorized to administer oaths).

Licenses issued in Idaho must be solemnized in Idaho.
Marriages between parents and children, ancestors and descendent's
of every degree, and between brothers and sisters of the half as well as
the whole blood, and between uncles and nieces, or aunts and nephews, are incestuous, and void from the beginning, whether the relationship is legitimate or illegitimate. All marriages between first cousins are prohibited.

Common Law Marriage: No.

Same Sex Marriages: No.

You must buy a marriage license for Coeur d'Alene or
Post Falls,ID area weddings at the
Kootenai County Courthouse,
501 Government Way --
$28 on weekdays and $45 on Saturdays, no personal checks.
Certified copies of marriage licenses are available by mail request
or you can come into our office during business hours.
The fee is $2.00 for each certified copy.
Requests per the Internet are not valid.

