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Posted by: Administrator on Fri, Oct 9, 2009

Bible is a manual to live by check it out yourself!

By Jimmie Warren

Beloved as you read this article I hope to prove without a doubt, that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit and is the holy word from God. It is written to build your spirit to grow in the knowledge of your father God to become like his son Jesus.
Jesus says "When the Holy Spirit, who is truth, comes, He shall guide you into all truth, for He will not speak on his own initiative His own ideas, but will be passing on to you what He has heard. He will tell you about the future." ( John 16:13) NASB

The Apostle Paul wrote to Timothy saying "All scripture is inspired by God." (2 Timothy 3:26) NAS The word, inspired, in the original Greek language in which it was written, means "GOD-BREATHED." This means the Bible is God breathed words or God spoke through those whom He chose to revile His word. As a result the Bible has many benefits in it.

I know a lot of you are saying I have read the Bible many times and it doesn't make any sense or it is full of old stories no one can understand, sound familiar? Some say "Oh, that old Bible doesn't mean anything to me , it is out dated and has nothing to do with today." Some of you might believe it is even made up stories by a bunch of men who made up all those stories to gain power over the people of their times?

In (2 Timothy 3:16) Christians are commanded to study the Bible. God wants you to understand His word. Read it yourself in (Philippines 2:13)"For God is always at work in you to make you willing and able to obey His own purpose." ALB

If you are trying to understand the Bible for the first time, or IF this is your second or third time reading it without asking God's Holy Spirit for understanding , then it probably doesn't make any sense to you?

Your Holy Bible will meet your everyday needs with things' such as these:
For comfort (Psalms 43: 1-5)
For direction (Hebrew 4:16), (James 1:5,6)
For peace (Psalms 4:1-8)
For relief (Psalms 91:1- 16), (2 Corinthians 12:8-10)
For rest in your mind read(Matthew 11:28-30),(Romans 8:31-39)
There are many more personal needs right in your Bible , you just need to ask and God will show you His words of wisdom. To live life every day and be happy then look to Him who made you and who gave a manual to live by called the Bible.

When we fight God and His way of life, we become discouraged and are miserable all the time. Does this sound like your life? Want to learn a new way to live and enjoy life for the rest of your life? Then open and read the word of God right now.

Let's see what Apostle Paul Say's again (2 Timothy 3:16) TLB "The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; It straightens us out and helps us do what is right. It is God's way of making us well prepared at every point, Fully equipped to do good to everyone."

Beloved friends' God wants you to understand and believe the Bible. He will help you to learn the word if you are willing to read and study it with a pure, open mind and heart. Do it without all the old concepts you might have heard or that where told, what the Bible said. See many people will tell you what they were taught of what their Bible Say's but, you need to read it for yourself. You see they may be wrong or understand differently then what the Bible actually Say's because, they are going on how they were taught by someone else.

You see my dear loved ones there are many people , some even pastors' , who were taught by their church or religion to teach their version's of the Bible, not what the Bible actual say's. So my beloved friends I tell you from the Spirit of God, read His word with your own eye's and ask our Father God to reveal His words to your mind and hearts.

Say this prayer with me "Father in heaven. I want to fully understand what you, want me, to do for you?" Your eye's will be opened by His Holy Spirit as soon as you pray this prayer. Don't let anyone tell you what the Bible say's, read it yourself and keep asking God to open your mind's eye to the Spirit which is the one who gave the words of the Bible to be written and it is He who reviles the truth. Ask for and you will receive the Holy Spirit of truth and knowledge AMEN! "

YOU WILL FIND IF YOU READ THE Bible daily your life will be changed forever. You will be amazed by the thing's God will start doing for you if you allow Him in by reading His word.

Again Apostle Paul tells us in (1 Corinthian 2:14) NIV " The man without the spirit does not accept the things that come from the spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned." You see without God's Holy Spirit, natural man cannot understand because the Bible is not of man but is directly from God."

Do you have difficulty understanding the Bible? Try asking God to have the Holy Spirit open your mind and heart and to forgive you of all sins even unknown sins, then try to read it again.

I tell most new people, when they are reading the Bible for their first time , specially those who do not know where to start look for a Bible they might be able to read. To look for a Bible they can understand. Some People cannot understand Old or New King James Bibles because of the language of the day so. I highly recommend the newer translations, such as the New International Version (NIV) or The New American Translation (NATL) or The New English Version Bible (NEV) because the new babes' in Christ are just learning their ABC'S of the word. And with the easier version's they will learn a lot faster, because they will understand what it is saying in plain English.
The better start they have, then the better the learning of God's holy plan of salvation through His son Jesus Christ will be.

I also recommend the New American Standard Bible (NASB) I suggest to read only the first four books of the new testament Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. They need to find out everything they can to know and understand the MILK OF THE GOSPEL which is Jesus, His death and resurrection and how they are saved thought God's sacrifice. (John 3:16)
Later as they grow spiritually in grace and knowledge, God will show them what else they need as they become His children.

To understand Jesus Christ as Savior is all that is important at first, after all, we do not try to teach our children in grade school to do multiply and divide until they are ready to learn more,do we? No, We take our time and teach them the basics, why do we want to rush the new babe's in Christ to know it all , right from the start?This makes no sense does it,yet it is done all the time.

Some people want to cram too much down the throats of babes in Christ, which scares them away.
This is a major mistake; for some never return. You see, for most people, who are in a hurry to get the new babes caught up to their level, it does more harm than good.

DO you start off teaching a baby to eat meat before you teach him how to drink milk? We need to nurture a new babe in the church as a new born baby in a family is treated. We need to be gentle with patiences and have lot's of love and understanding folks!

Do Not say thing's like this to anyone "YOU BETTER LEARN IT THIS WAY OR ELSE YOU ARE OUT OF HERE ! Or worse yet, It's our way or the highway, make up your mind?

No, we must be slow to anger and not judge. Be like God was and is with each one of us. So with God's love let's teach His word the same way, He taught us with LOVE and understanding.

SO many churches try to use condemnation on new born Christian's and wind up scaring most newly interested people away using fear sermons. Our God is not FEAR but, He is Love, and comfort, with gentleness and Mercy (1 Timothy 6:11-12) NIV
This is God's Love, He wants you to be like Him and His son Jesus Christ who gave up His own life so, you could learn to be in His Family.

My Beloved friends, brothers and sisters, you can believe the word of God. For the Bible is His own word. A spirit-filled person can have supernatural insight into the meaning of spiritual truth of all scriptures. ( 2 Corinthians 2:15-16) NASB
" For all things are for your sakes, that the grace which is spreading too more and more people may cause the giving of thanks to abound to the glory of God. (16) Therefore we don't lose heart, but through our other man is decaying, yet our inner man is being more renewed day by day."

Where am I going with this you might be saying right now? Well I am trying to put it as simply as possible so there is no misunderstanding why you need to read and understand the Bible exactly as it is written. It is so important to you my fellow friends that you open your own Bibles. Yes for you to see the words of God, coming alive for the first time is a wonderful thing. The Bible will set you free from misunderstood scriptures that have been taught through organized religions of our time.

Like our physical bodies , when we do not eat , we get sick and weak. Like wise when our spirit is not fed daily , it too gets sick and weak.You see spiritual food is found in your Bible. SO DUST IT OFF and read Matthew the first chapter then read from that point on , every day.

Soon your life will be change so much , people all around will see something happening to you. They might even ask what you are doing to be so Happy studying the Bible?
Tell them, they also will be able to find the words of God in their own Bibles as you have..

Now with an open mind, ask God to reveal Himself to you. Probably for the first time, the word's in the Bible will come alive right before your very own eyes. What a wonderful God we have, AMEN?

(1John 1:5-7) TLB "God is light and in Him is no darkness at all SO if we say we are His friends, but go on living in spiritual darkness and sin, we are lying. But if we are living in the light of God's presence, just as Christ does, Then we have wonderful fellowship and joy with each other, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin."

Once again Paul tells Timothy in (2 Timothy 3:16)" The whole Bible was given to us by inspiration from God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives; It straightens us out and helps us do what is right."

It is a good thing and remember God is giving you His word through the Bible to learn of Him and His plan for your salvation. Let's see what (James 1:22) is saying? "But prove yourselves doers of the word, and not merely hearers who delude themselves."

Brothers and sisters " LET NO MAN, STEAL YOUR CROWN"

(Romans 8:35-39) " Who, then, can separate us from the love of Christ. Can trouble do it, or hardship, or persecution, or hunger, or poverty, or danger, or death? ( Vs 36)"for your sake we are in danger of death the whole day long, we are treated like sheep that are going to be slaughtered." (Vs 37) "No, in all these things' we have complete victory through Him who loved us!" (Vs 38) "For I am certain that nothing can separate us neither angels nor other heavenly rulers or powers; neither the present nor the future; (Vs.39) neither the world above or the world below-there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate us from the love of God which is our s through Christ Jesus our Lord."

Remember this, it is impossible to live in the fullness and power of the Holy Spirit apart from the knowledge of and obedience to God's Holy, inspired word- THE BIBLE.

BELOVED I hope after reading this with all the scriptures that shows you God's words, not some mans words, that you can now understand the Bible if only you ask our heavenly Father to open your mind and heart to His word?

Talk to Him, ask Him to open your mind then open your Bible read it straight from the source, not some church or booklet from some church or religious pamphlet but from the Davine words of your God. In Jesus Christ Holy Name Amen

If after all this you still think the Bible is just writing of men and books thrown together to be used as a way to control people then you are just as well finished and there is no more need to study it,is there? Everything boils down to faith doesn't it,but if the Bible is wrong and just some writing of a bunch of men of olden times then we are all lost and none of it is true?I believe with all my heart,mind,soul that God is in control and HE let the men of old write down important matter to help the people of today find His son Y'shua Jesus Christ and be saved Amen


–New American Standard Bibles
NIV–New International Version Bibles
NLB–New Living Bible
NEV--The New English Version Bible
NATL-- The New American Translation


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