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Ashley\'s Today\'s Scripture *Mothers Day * Ashley\'s Today\'s Scripture *Mothers Day *

   Discussion: Ashley\'s Today\'s Scripture *Mothers Day *
ericka (anon) · 15 years, 10 months ago
Dear friends My name is ericka. Please pray for me I need to get a good job, with a good supervisor at the company name BetCris. Is a very good company, I am a single mother with tree girls please pray for me so that I can do good at the training and that I find favor infront of cooworkers and the owners of the company, ans booses. Pray also that they call me, I really need this job. I need a good schedule. I thank you in advance for all your prayers, God bless you all. P.S: Please pray also for the petitions of my heart and for total victory over my enemies that whants to harm me and my tree girls.
Lila (anon) · 15 years, 9 months ago
My husband David of 24 yrs left me for another younger woman April who has 3 children. He now resides with her and wants a divorce and I want to save my marriage. I ask in Jesus name the divorce is stopped and that David returns to GOD and to me and our marriage. This I want more than anything and ask in Jesus name.
SANDHYA (anon) Back · 15 years ago
i m screwed.i m feeling very heavy from i searched for  a site in google  n i got this site...nothing or no intention..just want to drop some of my words...actually i want GOD to b wd me...i feel i m a sinner..GOD doesnt listen me at alll coz may b i m not pure..i pray GOD always...i want to follow his path..but i cant do anything..whnever i ask him ...rt now i m writing n getting crap n crazy...i truely believe GOD..but i think GODdoesnt  want his this child to b wd him..i m very depressed..hope one day he will come to save me..i must let know everyone dat i believe in every GOD..i pray every GOD..I DONT LIKE PEOPLE BEING RELIGIOUS N FIGHTING FOR THIS N THAT..comon..GOD is ALWAYS GOD....oh GOD LISTEN ME...plz hope there is someone who will pray for me truely wd pure heart..coz he doesnt listen me ...but i cant leave without him..i m just waiting for a moment whn everything will suddenly change in my life...oo o ...i mean ..i dont want to even speak a single bad word frm my mouth..i want to change in this way..just want to have holy heart n blessed by GOD....WANT TO B A FOLLOWER OF GOD...hope one day there will b grt change inside d way i m a medical student..i just want to b happy n want to make everyone happy by helping them...what GOD wants...thats my BIG AIM.
Pastor Jimmie (anon) Back · 15 years ago
God listens to all who believe in Jesus and the gospel.If you have repented and are trying to change your life and are relieving on God and not yourself then you are saved.Keep praying and read your Bible-read the Book of John in the new testament and read the book of Psalms for prayers it will help.
May God bless you and have a great new year as you walk closer with God Amen
Maritza (anon) Back · 14 years, 8 months ago

Dear Sandhya.

I know it's been a while since you posted your thoughts on this page.  I just read your words and I have felt your pain.  I believe that in God there are no coincidences and  I have interceded to God for you in the Name of His beloved Son Jesus.  The Lord has heard your cry and prayer and your sincere heart.  He knows you love Him... He knows you want Him in your life.   It is written in the Holy Word of God, The Bible, in 1 John 2:1-2:  "My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin.  But if anybody does sin, we have ONE who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One.  He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world."  Our Father in Heaven gave His only begotten Son in sacrifice for ALL of us so we could be free to worship Him in spirit and in truth.  Our Savior has cleansed away all of our sins and infirmities of our hearts and bodies and nailed them on that cross in calvary.  He has great things in store for you and mighty things to show you if you follow Him closely.  Nobody and nothing will be able to take you away from the love of God.  He loves you so much... He has left His Holy Spirit, our Councelor, to give you strength at all times.  Be strong and give ALL your burdens to Him.  Don't punish yourself with guilt for He has promised to FINISH all that He has started in us.  We are not perfect but are in the process to perfection with His help.  We might stumble but He'll pick us up like His babies that we are.  Don't let anything or anyone discourage you.  Trust in Him.  The devil will wisper to you that you are of no value to God, that you are low and that you don't deserve to live, even.  He is a liar and the father of all lies. He has come  to kill, to steal and to destroy but JESUS, our Savior has destroyed all deeds from the devil.  From the moment you decided to give your heart to the Lord, you were freed of all sin and eternal death.  You are free to worship Him and love Him with all your heart and mind.  In JOSHUA 1:5, 1:8-9 the Lord commands:  "No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life.  As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.  Be strong and courageous.  8-9 "Do not let this Book of the law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.  Then you will be prosperous and successful.  Have I not commanded you?  Be strong and courageous?  Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, FOR THE LORD YOUR GOD WILL BE WITH YOU WHEREVER YOU GO."  Stay blessed in the Name of Jesus.  Take care and go to a church where ONLY the Word of God is preached and where the Holy Spirit is the only Vicar of Jesus  So... go to church! :-).  Sister Maritza

ericka (anon) · 15 years, 4 months ago
My name is Ericka

I am a single mother of 3 girls.

Thank you for taking my prayer request in consideration
and for taking the time to read it and pray for me.

Please pray for me I need your prayers. I have several petitions
of my heart. I need my boyfriend to marry me he is a decent man.
I need God to touch his heart and to love me as jesus love the church
please pray for me so that I have victory over all the enemies that
I am confronting at this time. They whant to harm me and the girls.
Please pray for me so that I can have victory over them and for several
petitions of my heart because we know that nothing is imposible to God

Thank you, God bless you all.
Maritza (anon) Back · 14 years, 8 months ago

Ericka, como estas?  Dios te bendiga (God bless you)

It is written:  "No weapon forged against you will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you.  THIS IS THE HERITAGE OF THE SERVANTS OF THE LORD, and this is their vindication from me" declares the Lord.  Isaiah 54:17.  The Lord also declares in Matthew 16:18 that even the gates of hell will not prevail against His Church.

Just trust in the Lord.  Keep feeding on the Word of God, that's your sword against all evil.  Just like Jesus declared with His mouth the Word of God when He was being confronted by Satan in the desert for forty days and forty nights, you must also WITH YOUR MOUTH declare and send those arrows of the Word of God against satan and his demons.  Declare the promises of God for you WITH YOUR MOUTH.  Jesus told satan:  IT IS WRITTEN... IT IS WRITTEN... IT IS WRITTEN until the evil one left Him.  We are at war, not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness.  Be mindful of EPHESIANS 6: 10-18.  v.v.10-11 says "Be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes."  v.17 says:  "Take the helmet of salvation and the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT which is the Word of God."  Read about the "ARMOR OF GOD" in EPHESIANS 6:10-18.  I prayed for you and you and your girls will be okay.  Always, when you pray, go before the Lord with the intention do do HIS WILL for He knows best what is good for us and what is not.  Lay your hands on your daughters' head every day and apply the Blood of Jesus over them.  You are a warrior of the Lord and there are things that DO NOT COME FROM GOD that want to stop you in your spiritual growth, but you have the power from the Almighty God.  Close all doors to the enemy by being faithful to the Word of God.  Close the door to the spirit of fornication and other things that are offensive to the Lord so bad influences don't gain access to your household.  God is with you all the way to give you strength.  He has sent his angels to guard you and your daughters.  God bless you and your babies. 



varunia (anon) · 15 years, 2 months ago
please pray that my mom nanda (80 years ) will come to know the Lord. this time is very important to her as her only son is having brain cancer and cannot walk or talk
david (anon) · 14 years ago
Lord Jesus Christ please add vigorous pain in my job so that help me to further my job contract as I now use something to cut into my body in order to keep on praying, pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a-men. Thank God for that I can submit my prayer request here, and thank you for your prayer, may God bless you. Firstly, please pray for that my mother was cheated by Mr. Kwong, Mr Ho, Hin Chai and Anna years before, she went to a company and worked as an Office assistant, but they cheated my mother, and compelled my mother to give her money out to them(they cheated my mother that the money was used for investment, and the investment was failured), and went away, thank God for that the policemen arrested Mr. Kwong now, but the Mr. Ho , Hin Chai and Anna were still not arrested, please pray for that God can help the policemen in the investigation, and find the evidence to accuse the Mr. Kwong and his helper in the judiciary court, thank God for that the policemen sent us several letters till now about that the investigation is in the progressing, please pray for that God can move their heart, Mr. Kwong , Mr. Ho, Hin Chai and Anna will regret about that they cheated my mother, and they can have pity on my mother , and return the money back to my mother , thank you. Secondly, (1) thank God for that now I have taken in the psychological medicines, please pray for that God can protect me from the side effect of psychological medicines, my mother will not place the psychological medicines into my food, I can forgive my family members if they place the psychological medicines into my food, and please pray for that my family members and I will not hurt by my bosses, and will not suffer a loss at the judgement day. and please pray for that my mother and I can use all our spare time (holidays) to study bible,, distribute the gospel pamphlets and pray, so that we can have spiritual growth up and I can further my contract. (2)Please pray for that my mother, brother , sister and I can have safety during working hour, please pray for that God can protect my family members and I to have a job. (3)Please pray for that my parents could have goood relationship between each other, my father will not want to divorce with my mother; (4) Please pray for that I now use a sharp things to cut into my skin in order that I can keep on praying, (5) Please pray for that I can restore my psychological health, because I am always blame myself about the sins I committed before, I am afraid that God will punish me about the sins I committed before, please pray for that I can have biblical mind to know will God punish me one day or not, so that I can live out good witnesses and have peace to face the punishment from God one day, and please pray for that God can forgive me. (6) Please pray for and thank God for that I will not be suffered in the marital problems, so that I can seek the kingdom and the righteousness of God first, and have a spiritual growth up, and I will not regret about the decision I made in this marriage this life, that I will only choose the Christian girlfriend that was arranged by God, please pray for that if God had not prepare a Christian girlfriend for me, help me to keep alone whole life, so that I will not be hurt again in order that I can restore my psychological health and have a spiritual growth up. (7)Please pray for that the son of my brother will not hurt himself, my brother and my sister will not be suffered in the marital problems , my sister can have good psychological health, and we can maintain a good relationship, we will not be hurt by the husband of my sister and the wife of my brother, so that my mother and I can help my sister and my brother to accept the Jesus. (8)Please pray for that I can continue submit my prayer requests and study bible from the net, so that my mother and I can firmly believe in the bible ,and we can have assurance of the salvation. And please pray for that we will not suffer a loss in the Lord's Judgement Day, thank God for that I can keep on use mind or mouth to pray in the office , please pray for that God can keep my stomach health if I pray with fasting for too long time, and please pray for that God can keep me not to hurt myself if I undergo stress because I found some blood come out of my body nowadays, please pray for that God can keep me if I need to see a doctor, please pray for that God can help me not to bleeding inside my body and I can restore my health, and please pray for that I can not only keep on use mouth to pray in the office but also in the whole life time, God can keep my health when I pray too vigorous, and I can pray at mid-night , and my mother and I can go to the church where God prepared for us and donate our money there in the will of God, so that we can have spiritual growth up , please pray for that I can maintain a good psychological and body health, and can keep on pray with heart this life, and please pray for that I will not suffer from disease ( such as heart disease) if I pray too vigorous. (9)Please pray for that my family members and I can have place to live and food to eat and we can have safety in using electricity and fire, pray for my sister that she want to born a baby, please keep her health and baby's health, and please pray for that we can apply for compassionate rehousing in God's will, may God have mercy upon my family members. (10) Please pray for that when I distributing the gospel pamphlets in the mainland China, the policemen come to me, and write down my Identity Card number, please pray for that God can help me to tackle with it. (11) Please pray for that I hurt my skin in order to keep on praying, please pray for that I can keep on pray with hurt my skin and will not infected by the SARS or other viruses.(12)Please pray for that my brother will not go on drinking the wine and gambling, and please pray for that when his wife want to divorce with him, he will not have some irrational thoughts, such as commit suicide or hurt himself or do some hurtful things . so that he will not be arrested by the policemen. (13) Please pray for that God can add my pain, so that I can be purified, and help me to have spiritual growth up, and please pray for that my family members and I will not be hurt by my colleagues, classmates, church members and friends include Christian colleagues, so that they can be helpful for me to live out a good witness before my family members, my grandmother, my father, my sister, my brother and my relatives can all accept the Jesus Christ, and my mother and I can have a spiritual growth up and can strenghthen our faith. And I am sorry for any inconvinience I made to submit my prayer request here. Pray in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, a-men.

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