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Prayer Request: Today's Scripture *May 18, 2010* Prayer Request: Today's Scripture *May 18, 2010*

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Today's Scripture *May 18, 2010* (May 18, 2010)

Prayer Request:

Today's Scripture *May 18, 2010*
1 John 3:19-20
Our actions will show that we belong to the truth, so we will be confident when we stand before God. Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and He knows everything.
As a woman who has struggled with many feelings of inadequacy, guilt, and the feeling of "never being good enough"--John's words here have been of great comfort in those moments in life when the guilt of feelings start to cloud our reality in Christ.
Almost a decade ago now, I was diagnosed with manic bipolar disorder. I remember sitting in the psychiatric ward of the hospital confused by this diagnosis. What did that mean? Did this mean I would never be "normal"? Did this mean that God would never be able to use me? What would I do now? I felt a sense of dome and gloom.
 As a child I always struggled with the feeling that I wasn't like others. I wasn't "normal". I use to pray to the God I didn't yet know--asking, no, pleading with Him to make me normal! The prayer always went unanswered. And I often would wonder why God wouldn't answer my simple prayer. I wasn't asking to be a millionaire or even for a cure for some incurable disease. I asked to be normal--to be like the other girls I knew. I wanted to "feel" normal. I didn't want to stand out in a crowd. I didn't want to be different. It was a serious struggle that lasted well into my mid-twenties.
 Then I met "the Truth" -- Jesus Christ. And as I started to get to know God and His character--His Word, His will, His desires, His made me take pause. "Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings, and He knows everything". God--God knows everything! And no matter how I "feel" about myself, it is God who knows everything! And because I belong to the Truth (Jesus Christ), I can stand confident before God! "Even" if we feel guilty? Yes! Praise Jesus! "Even if we feel guilty, God is greater than our feelings.."!
 In my life I have struggled daily with my emotions. I have struggled with feelings of guilt, regret, depression, even feelings of suicide. But I serve a God who is Greater than our feelings, and He knows everything! And yet, ah yes, yet, He still loves me! He still called me according to His purposes. And He created me unique and different for His glory and for His plan for my life. If God were to answer my prayer as a girl, "I want to be normal, I want to be like every other girl in my class.." -- then friends, I wouldn't be sitting here ministering His Word to you now. God is greater! And once I believed that He was greater than my feelings--and that He knew everything about me, the good and the bad. I realized that I served an Extraordinary God. A God who saw a work of art when He created me. A God who doesn't make mistakes. A God who knows me better than I will ever know myself. A God who forgives! A God who heals! A God who restores! And a God who calls the ordinary, manic bipolar disorder girl--and equips her to serve her Extraordinary God.
 Remember as you sit there feeling like God can't use you; You are too damaged, to different, to shy, to introverted, to uneducated...God knows everything. And in Him you can stand confident. He is greater than the labels the world puts on you. He is greater than the labels you put on yourself! And if you allow Him, God will use you, right where you are. For His glory. In His way! And on His timetable.
 The world labeled me bipolar. But when God created me--He only saw a masterpiece! He didn't see a flawed girl who needed "fixing". He didn't make a mistake when He created me! And He didn't make a mistake when He created you! Psalm 139: 13-14 For you created my inmost being;  You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Your works are wonderful,  I know that full well.; Ephesians 2: 10 For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
Today, I no longer pray, "God make me normal". Today, I pray and thank God for using an ordinary girl to show the world the awesomeness of an Extraordinary God!
God, we praise You and thank You for loving us so much. We thank You for unanswered prayers!
You know everything! And You are greater than our feelings. You are the God that heals, restores, equips, and sends out ordinary people to show the world how Extraordinary You are!
We serve an Extraordinary God! We praise You, Lord! And we look forward to the day when we can stand confident before you knowing that You are greater than our feelings, and You know everything about us. And yet, You still love us and call us Your child. Thank You for Your Truth to us. May we daily remind ourselves of Your greatness and Your mercy. And that You do not make mistakes when You create! We are Your masterpieces. We are fearfully and wonderfully made--just as we are! In Jesus' Name, Amen..
Be blessed!
An ordinary girl, serving an Extraordinary God,
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Thank you & God Bless

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  Bible Scripture from the New Living Translation & Some information & ideas from NLT Life Application Bible ;
all other accompanying thoughts & prayers ©April Hunt 2010

   Discussion: Today\'s Scripture *May 18, 2010*

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