Ephesians 5:28
In the same way, husbands ought to love their wives as they love their own bodies. For a man who loves his wife actually shows love for himself.
Life requires a lot of energy. Just as when a man doesn't get enough rest, eat properly and in jest appropriate information we begin to wear down. We grow weary and tired, become frustrated, moody, un attentive and distracted.
Our wives provide so much for us. Support, encouragement, love, affection, friendship, a partner in parenting and when we can humble ourselves; accountability. Each of us needs our wives to be equally energetic and operating at 100%, when they are; a chemistry ignites that supplies both husband and wife with life sustaining energy.
God desires us to treat our bodies like temples. Our wives bodies the same. Invest in your health, eat well, sleep enough. Care for one another. Nurture each others spirits. You both need it and deserve it.
Father, we thank and praise You for our wives, for giving us a helpmate. That You would love us enough to give us someone to share life with, and thank You for all of the benefits that come with such a partnership. May we all show appreciation for our spouses to Your glory.
In Jesus' name.
Jason Hunt
Please Note: Today's Scripture will be on vacation for just over a week. Ashley and April will be in Florida enjoying a vacation at Disney World.
The devotional will start up again on March 3rd/2010. Please pray for a safe and healthy vacation for Ashley and April and an equally relaxing time for Jason as he has a week to spend on himself. Thank you for your continued prayers and support of the Today's Scripture ministry! We thank you in advance for traveling mercy prayers. See you in just over a week!
The Hunt Family (Today's Scripture)