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Prayer Request: " A TENDER PLANT" Prayer Request: " A TENDER PLANT"

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Angel of Hope Ministry

" A TENDER PLANT" (May 7, 2008)

Prayer Request:

The coming of Jesus was like a tender
plant in the midst of a parched ground.
Parched ground offers little hope for
survival; it is dry and too hardened to allow
most plants to penetrate its crest. Yet
Jesus was prophesied as a tender plant
that would break through the hostile
soil and overcome the dry lifeless
environment in order to bring life.
As you pray for someone you care about, don't
be discouraged if this person has not responded to Jesus.
Just as a tender plant finds a way to grow in a hard and unreceptive soil,
so the love of Jesus has the ability to emerge in a life that seems
so completely unresponsive.

" For He shall grow up
before Him as a tender plant
and as a root out of dry ground."
(Isaiah 5:3-2)

" That you be not slothful,
but followers of them who
through faith and patience
inherit the promises."
" And so after he had
patiently endured he
had obtained the promise."
( Heb. 6:12-15)

Father, help me to grow
in the area of patience.
Help me to remember when You
make a squash it takes time
even 4 weeks, but when you
make a strong oak it takes
a hundred years.
Let me be patient and pray
and stand on your word that
in this life You will grow where
I cannot fathom. AMEN!

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