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Prayer Request: Gone for ONE month..please read Prayer Request: Gone for ONE month..please read

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Gone for ONE month..please read (Jul 28, 2009)

Prayer Request:
Hello Friends,
I just wanted to send a note and let everyone know that starting on Thursday, July 30th -- I will be going no mail in my groups and taking a sabbatical for the month of August.
We have bought our first home and we get to move in this coming weekend. We have a lot to move, clean, paint, and do..period.. =D
So after some prayer we decided as a family that the month of August would be "just for us". So I will be taking the time away from the computer to focus on getting "my house in order" (literally and figuratively speaking)
I will still send in a few e-mails when I can and pop in from time to time. But I will not be sending the Today's Scripture (for those that get the devotional..I will resume sending that either mid or late August) and I will not be writing or releasing any new tutorials until September 1st.
My members site will still function as normal--however, I just wont be offering any new items, or releasing anything new. There is plenty of tutorials already on the members site for my members to play with (over 160 now) And with me taking a break from writing--I can hopefully come up with some fresh and exciting ideas while relaxed and away from it all =)
I haven't taken a holiday in some time.. So that is sort of what this is like for me. Moving into our dream home is a very exciting--but time consuming adventure..and I really want to focus on getting everything done. Ashley and Brianna go back to school at the end of August as well, and it would be wonderful to get to spend the month hanging out with the girls and doing some fun stuff as a family. We don't have much of a summer here in Calgary .. So we need to take the summer days and enjoy them while they last!! We have some outdoor work to do also around the new house and want to be able to spend some time enjoying our deck and fire pit.. And our big back yard! This is all very new and exciting to us! And we want to focus the month of August on building relationships within the 4 walls of our home. We all need family time...and we've been so busy with this and that--that we haven't had much of that. Jason is taking 2 weeks of holidays from his work as well to spend with us girls and work around his garage and yard.
I just wanted to make sure everyone was aware that as of Thursday I will be setting myself to no-mail in the groups I belong too. I will come back to mail at the end of August and we can resume playing, growing, learning, and blessing one another! As much as I will miss being around each day and on the computer and in my PSP (Paint Shop Pro) making goodies.. I just know this time away will be good for my family!! And God has been speaking to me lately about focusing on my home and family more... They need me too =)
I will still be checking my e-mail as much as I can. So if you have any questions or need to contact me please just send me an e-mail and I will get back to you as soon as possible. is the best address to reach me on.
For those in my April's Creations for Christians group and ACFC Members Site -- I will still pop on and send in a few "things" as I can. But no new tutorials will be released until September 1st (my birthday :))
And again, if you need me or have any questions you can always e-mail me and I will get back to you.
The ACFC Members Site will still be accepting new members and new members will still have immediate access to the site.. So if you are thinking of joining--please do ( )
For Today's Scripture readers-- I will resume sending the devotional mid or late August. And will check in as time allows.
Also know that if you have any prayer requests or needs you can always e-mail me personally and I would be blessed to pray for and with you!
The nice thing about a sabbatical is having the extra time to spend in my Bible and in prayer! So please don't hesitate to e-mail me any prayer requests, updates, or concerns, questions..
Thank you to each and every one who prayed for us as we went through the process of buying our home. We believe that God answered your prayers! Thank you so much for interceding for us! This home will be a "Kingdom Builder" and we pray that it will bless others as much as it blesses our little family! I will try and send some pictures of the house once we get a few boxes unpacked! I also need to wait for the cable to be all hooked up and get the computer all set up.. But I will do my best to get some pictures posted for you as soon as possible!
God bless you all! And thank you for allowing me the month away from the computer to spend with my family and getting our new home in order.
We are blessed to have such wonderful friends and family supporting us.
See you all September 1st!
Your Sister in Christ,

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