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Prayer Request: Dream Activity Prayer Request: Dream Activity

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BRIDGES Revelatory Ministry

Dream Activity (Apr 30, 2008)

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Bridges Revelatory Ministry
Apr 30, 2008


April 30, 2008

Bridges Revelatory Ministry

We send this news out as Thanksgiving and as a Praise to Jesus...

Our ministry is seeing Great Increases in Dream Activity in the Body of Christ and in the numbers of dreams that we receive for interpretation.

BE ENCOURAGED BY THIS as we discern that the Lord is truly pouring His Spirit out upon all flesh in this season.

"And it shall come to pass afterward, [that] I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions:"  Joel 2:28

"And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:"  Acts 2:17

What is particularly Exciting and Revelatory about this FRESH WAVE of DREAMS is what it is indicative of:

This is what we discern:

First of all, God has a lot to say to individuals and the Corporate Body in this season.

Many are opening their spirits up for the first time and in deeper ways to receive these messages from God and from Heaven.

This is Indicative of TIME and CONDITION :  If we look to the Time and Season of Joel 2 we see that it is prophetic of a future time when Holy Spirit will abound in the Earth realm to ALL Flesh.  The Hebrew is magnificent in describing this outpouring, it says that God Himself will gush forth and cover all flesh.

  *Check out Todd B. and the current revival and outpouring in Lakeland, Florida.  Glory to Jesus! 
Read More About It

This is Indicative of the Condition of the Corporate heart of the Church : The hearts of the first believers in Acts chapter two were unified.  Jesus had told the early church to wait in Jerusalem.  The word 'Jerusalem' means 'place of double peace.'  My prayer is that this is a Truth for us as followers of Christ---that we are arriving at the Place of Rest and Peace in Jesus that is also the place of the greatest POWER!

The word says that the believers were assembled and that they were all in one accord. 
  • UNIFIED does not mean that they were homogenous--not at all.  They were greatly diverse    and came from all walks of life and probably differing political opinions. 
  •   UNIFIED here means that they were 'autos' in the Greek which means IN HIM!
  •  All of the believers assembled were IN CHRIST JESUS where there is neither Jew or Gentile, male or female, free or slave.  They were all IN CHRIST JESUS, the magnificent metaphysical place where we are situated IN HIM.  We are seated in heavenly places IN CHRIST JESUS.
  • Could it be that we are in the kairos place and time for the next great outpouring!  Lord       let it be.

Pay particularly close attention to all of YOUR DREAMS in this season!


Thank Him for these technicolor prophetic messages!

Share all dreams that are corporate in nature.

Avail yourself of those around you who are gifted in the interpretation of dreams.

Pray into the dreams.  Seek their messages out as treasure.  Holy Spirit will guide you in all truth.

"In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, in slumberings upon the bed; 

Then he opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction."

Job 33:15-16

Dream On!


Kelly Deppen
Bridges Revelatory Ministry

New Product Available:

The Reality of the Dream Realm

2 CD Teaching/Prophetic Exhortation

This is available in limited supply for 8.00 including S&H

This is newly produced and will encourage all believers to DREAM and to LIVE THEIR DREAMS.


E-mail for more information on ordering:

***We will try to make this available FREE on a limited basis for church libraries and sharing in house churches and fellowships.***  E-mail for more info.

Dream Interpretations

Available ongoing via our web site:


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