Today's "Marriage" Scripture by Jason Hunt *January 17, 2009* (Jan 17, 2009)
Prayer Request:
Today's "Marriage" Scripture by Jason Hunt *January 17, 2009*
1 Peter 3:10-11
If you want to enjoy life and see many happy days, keep your tongue from speaking evil and your lips from telling lies. Turn away from evil and do good. Search for peace, and work to maintain it.
Over the years April and I have had many reasons to hold a grudge, exact revenge, or Harbour bitterness. God's grace will allow you the strength to forgive. When we forgive each other a number of things happen: Love grows amidst forgiveness; We rebuke the enemies attempt to destroy the relationship; and best of all, we glorify God in our obedience.
Is there peace in your home? How long does a dispute last? Still hold a record of the wrongs of your spouse? If there is, you need to humble yourself, swallow your foolish pride and allow forgiveness to restore peace.
Merciful Father, You are quick to forgive. Give us the strength Lord to seek Your heart in our relationships. Give us the strength to love those around us enough not to count the cost...Jesus didn't, In His Name, Amen..
Jason Hunt
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