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Prayer Request: Condition of our church Prayer Request: Condition of our church

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Condition of our church (Jan 2, 2009)

Prayer Request:
When I first came to the Lord I read the passage where it says that many shall say unto me Lord, "Lord, did I not cast out demons in your name.." and I was shocked and amazed when the Lord spokle to me and told me that applied to the people that were in the church. I could not beleive me ears at the time! That was some 21 years ago, and today i can say with all certainty that is very true today. The modern day church can  be compared to the church of Ephesus. We have forgotten about HIm. Everything that we do must be centered around Jesus and the cross, and we are not to center things around our own plans and motives. We must trade in our rags of righteousness and put on His righteousness! This is the only way that we will see God. Ancient Israel was told the same thing when they requestred to see God. To clease themselves first, then come before Him. Our ministry is largely in Asia and the smaller ministries there, there is a hunger there, if we could find our way back to that hunger ( Psalms 42:1) think were would we be? In the arms of God and in the midst of His perfect will which is souls saved and born again! God is NOT looking for size or amounts of money, but your heart. The size of the building or even whether we have a building or not is not the deciding factor it is the condition of your heart. There is much work to do and not much time left to do it!

   Discussion: Condition of our church
Administrator · 16 years ago
AMAN BROTHER "ALL PRAISE BE TO GOD ALMIGHTY" \If it wasn't for God loving us first we would not be here to love Him back.
Pastor Jimmie

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