Today's Scripture *September 26, 2008* (Sep 26, 2008)
Prayer Request:
Today's Scripture *September 26, 2008*
Romans 1: 15
So I am eager to come to you in Rome, too, to preach the Good News.
Paul was eager to preach the Gospel. Is our Christian service done in eagerness? Or do we serve out of habit, a feeling of obligation, or perhaps even with a feeling of reluctant duty. It is just like a child that has to clean his or hers room they are reluctant to do so. When we fully understand what Christ has done for us and what He offer to others, we will be motivated to share the Good News. Ask God to rekindle that fresh eager attitude that wants to obey Him and to tell others about Christ.
Thank You God for the privilege we have to tell others about You! Renew a fire and an eager spirit within us to tell others of Your Word, Your grace, Your mercy, forgiveness and all that You have done and continue to do for us. In Jesus' Name, Amen..
God bless you!
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