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Prayer Request: Why All Organized Religions Will Be Destroyed Prayer Request: Why All Organized Religions Will Be Destroyed

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Dr. Ed Allen

Why All Organized Religions Will Be Destroyed (Sep 14, 2008)

Prayer Request:

Why All Organized Religions Will Be Destroyed
WHY? Because organized Religion has betrayed mankind and is part of a world that is controlled by man’s greatest enemy, Satan the Devil. The apostle John wrote near the end of the first century A. D., “the whole world is under the control of the evil one.” 1 John 5:19 NIV.

All organized Religions are based on lies because they were founded by the “father of the lie,” Satan the Devil. John 8:44.

In studying organized religion, we have found that there is a great division between them, because they ALL claim to be the “ONLY TRUE RELIGION." This creates divisions between the honest hearted people within all of the various religions.

By examination, we have found that all religions have some truth, but NONE have ALL OF THE TRUTH. But that does not prevent them from arrogantly claiming that they alone have the one “true” religion, that they alone have the only “real truth,” and that God is dealing only with them so that they alone represent God to mankind, or that they alone are the true “channel” that God uses. They conveniently forget that God deals with each one of His creatures ALONE, on an individual basis, through our Lord and savior Jesus Christ (Yahshua Messiah). (See 1 Cor. 12:27).

They also arrogantly assume their own greatness by assuming great titles to themselves, some of which belong only to the Great God Yahweh (Jehovah). These apostates all love their titles within their religious hierarchies (rules by priests), and their followings and prominences within their organizations and the world. They use such titles as, Father, Holy Father, Reverend, Right Reverend, Bishop, Cardinal, Elder, Overseer, Rabbi, leader, priest, president, chairman, presiding elder, mullahs, cosmopolitans, ayatolahs, etc., etc., to “lord it over the flock of God.”

They love to be on the board of directors, the governing body, the ruling twelve, the council of seventy, the Curia, the local governments, the international governments, and ultimately, to take the place of God and rule over the entire earth.

Most of these men of treachery have forgotten that God does not need them, but deals with each one of His creatures on an individual basis deals with humans individually through our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They have become faithless non-believers like the Scribes and Pharisees, because they “are accepting glory from one another and ... are not seeking the glory that is from the only God.” John 5:44 NW. They are getting their reward in full.

All “organized” religions have two things in common:
(1) Some idea, doctrine, belief, healing, speaking in tongues, snake handling, baptisms, door to door preaching, women worship, men worship, demon worship, presbyters, episcopos, councils of seventy, governing bodies, apostles, popes, bishops, faithful and wise servants, ayatollahs, Buddhas, Mohammeds, Krishnas, or some other thing that they say sets them apart from all of the others, so that they alone represent God on this planet.
Going on with their great arrogance, they maintain that they alone have the holy spirit from God and no one else’s prayers are heard by the “Father,” only theirs; and that all others are cut off by God and will die and burn in hell-fire, at Armageddon, the lake of fire, Gehenna, the second death, and/or the earth itself will be burnt up and they alone will survive to rule on a new earth and/or flit off to heaven and play a harp on a cloud.
This is the DOCTRINE OF THE ORGANIZATION and it is more deadly and perverse in its power and seduction of power-hungry humans, and is greater in it’s EVIL than all of the other Babylonish doctrines combined.
These include, but are not limited to, the Trinity doctrine, the Eucharist, the Hell-fire doctrine, the immortal-soul doctrine, and all of the other doctrines that originated in ancient Babylon. After all, the DOCTRINE OF THE ORGANIZATION was originated there too, for promoting all of the other FALSE DOCTRINES for religious control of mankind down through the ages.

(2) They have all surrendered their freedom in God and Christ to the organizations and hierarchies of which they are a part.
They have all put their church or organization in the place of the Father, Jehovah God, and taken Jesus Christ out of the way, only giving lip service to each, but glorifying their organizations above both.
They all maintain that they alone represent God, while their rigid doctrines and/or organizations continue to strangle the Holy Spirit and the spiritual direction of the Lord and his holy angels over their congregations.
They pledge their allegiances to their organizations by taking vows of faithfulness, fidelity, poverty, blood, or whatever else their organization desires them to do, thus disavowing their relationship with God, but continually confirming it to their organization.
This is happening in ALL organized religions. They all talk about “truth,” but deny it in their personal lives, hierarchies, and organizations.

The promotion and survival of the organization is the primary motive in all organized religions. In fact, it is the PRIMARY MOTIVE IN ALL ORGANIZATIONS. When this happens, the Holy Spirit’s activity is being restricted more and more. Just as with humans that act hypocritically and lead a “double life,” so do organizations. As the result, Jehovah God eventually withdraws His Holy Spirit and they gradually DIE SPIRITUALLY.

The Holy Spirit may remain on certain individuals, but is generally dead within the organization itself. The Spirit may continue to work on certain congregations in which there are real brothers serving (acting as servants of) God and the brethren. However, the Spirit never continues indefinitely on Satan inspired, man-made organizations. They all are eventually destroyed absolutely, as in the case of the decadent Jewish religious organization in the year 70 C.E.

Because of this phenomenon that happens within all religious organizations, they are only useful for a limited period. The Jewish “system of things” (their ORGANIZATION), was no longer useful after its function of producing the Messiah was accomplished. Many others down through the centuries have been used for various purposes and then died out.

Recognize this: ALL ORGANIZATIONS ARE IN BUSINESS FOR THEMSELVES. This includes ALL ORGANIZED RELIGIONS. They ALL turn into worldly religious enterprises and businesses, recognized as such by the people, merchants, suppliers, and governments alike. As such, they are a part of “this world.” Jesus said of his disciples when in prayer to the Father, “they are no part of the world, just as I am no part of the world.” John 17:14,16 NW. And later to the Roman governor Pilate Jesus said, “My kingdom is no part of this world . . . my kingdom is not from this source.” John 18:36 NW.
(Important note: As followers of Yahshua Messiah, Jesus Christ, we are "in the world, but not a part of it" and do not take part in any governmental organization of non-governmantal organization activity).

To understand the ramifications of this information, we must go back to “the world’s” beginning. If you examine the very first command given to mankind after the flood, you will see that it is the same as the first command God gave to Adam and Eve when they were created. He told them, “Be fruitful and become many and fill the earth.” Gen. 1:28; 9:1 NIV.

This command told humans to spread out over all of the earth and beautify it as they went. God never meant for humans to gather in constricted concentrated areas or camps. But, since this “world in under the control of the wicked one” Satan the Devil, (1 John 5:19) the question arose: Would the humans obey this command?

Satan’s first move was to have people gather together, in opposition to the command to spread out and “fill the earth.” Then he used Nimrod to carry out this opposition to God’s command by gathering men into concentrated areas called cities (gr. polis or many). This required implementing a new concept to men, the ORGANIZATION, which was in direct conflict to God’s command to “fill the earth.”

And by opposing this command, Nimrod became the first ‘hunter of men’ in opposition to God, by gathering them into ORGANIZED CITIES. Since this required the use of power to establish “authority,” it required terrorist threats of death to the people, producing fear, which was used to promote unified goals and agendas of those in the organized power structure.

Two ideas were then promoted by Satan through his human representative Nimrod:
(1) Mankind’s need to worship was corrupted by setting rules and counterfeit moral laws, with fear of punishment for breaking them, (i.e., torture, death, and/or the eternal torture of their souls) to control the populace in the newly created cities.
Fear in turn produced superstition, mysticism, esoteric knowledge, secret societies, murder, etc., which makes it easy to introduce all sorts of fanatical, unreasonable beliefs.
Thus, false religious doctrines and priesthoods were introduced to back it up, which brought about the establishment of ORGANIZED RELIGION.
(2) The use of power and fear of physical harm by a police state ruled over by an all-powerful autocratic ruler, or dictator king, brought further consolidation of control over the masses huddled in the cities. And in this setting, the new idea of ORGANIZATIONAL structure, power, and control was introduced. This was the beginning of the ORGANIZED POLITICAL STATE.

These two entities are the roots of our present world, which some erroneously call, “civilization.”

Fear produces irrational thinking and feelings, these then produced the bi-cameral mind, which feeds on superstition, error, power structures, boundaries, organization of details, aggression, territoriality, social hierarchies, rituals, worship of humans and idols, etc.

Such thinking became the basis for this civilization. The result has been fanatical patriotism, religious intolerance and hypocrisy, and acceptance of inane, insane, stupid, and often-comical ideas and doctrines, which all originated back then, that are still used by organized religion today.

They also sanction the spiritual murder of people within their own organizations, and they are especially gleeful about killing people in other religious organizations… very civilized!

It is thought that Nimrod declared himself a “god” and he had incestuous relations with his mother, so he became both the “father and the son,” which is where the Holy Trinity doctrine originated (see the book “The Two Babylons,” by Rev. Alexander Hyslop).

His mother then became the “mother of god,” and this ridiculous notion has continued to be promoted down through the millennia by the worship of many women, such as Ninkharsag, Semiramis, Dianna, Hecate, Astoreth, Astarte, Isis, etc., ending with Mary, who is once again called “the mother of God!” And mankind has been suffering from this “Madonna” or “Mama” complex ever since.

When Nimrod died, his mother thereafter sought to consolidate her power and further promote the first lie (see Gen. 3:4) by saying that he did not die, but was still alive as a “Holy Ghost,” to watch over the people and to punish them if they did not obey the religious organization, the political rulers, and their laws. This became the immortal soul doctrine.

Yet, none of this is very different from the ideas and doctrines that are promoted as “truth” by the organized religions today.

Whether all the information about Nimrod and his mother is correct or not is irrelevant, for we do know that these doctrines originated in Babylon and were incorporated into the “Universal” (Latin, “Catholic”) Church as the “Athenasian Creed” by a vote of bishops (later the College of Cardinals) at the first “ecumenical council,” held 323-325 C.E., which was presided over by the murderer, war lord, and corrupt political leader and Roman Emperor, Constantine the Great. Those doctrines were thereafter embedded in most all organized religions of Christendom today, and are still being used to control the faithful.

But Wait! What if someone’s religious organization does not believe in those doctrines? Does that mean that they have the only “true” organized religion? Emphatically NO!!!

All religions have some “truth,” just as all individuals have some truth. Admittedly, some religions have more truth than others do, but that is meaningless if their organization produces rotten fruit, as did the Scribes and Pharisees in their actions and attitudes. It isn’t just false doctrines that constitute false religion, it includes all the things that their ORGANIZATION does to belief systems and the people who espouse it over time.

Why, the whole concept of ORGANIZATION is a doctrine in itself. A FALSE DOCTRINE, that is no less corrupt than the Trinity, hell-fire, or immortal soul doctrines, because the Organization Doctrine was originated in Babylon too. Why? To promote all of the religious and political propaganda of this world that originated there.

The goal of every organization is self-preservation, so they establish rules to keep everyone in them under their control. They do this knowingly by deliberately making their adherents mindless, so that they blindly follow whatever the organization says is “truth,” regardless of whether it is or not. The organizations do this by either
(1) Withholding truth from them,
(2) Or by force-feeding them with so much propaganda that they think they are being told the truth, but are not.

Then if anyone does any freethinking that may threaten the hierarchy and/or power structure of the organization, he or she is ostracized, kicked out, disfellowshiped, or otherwise excommunicated.

Don’t try such freethinking in your religious organization, for disaster is sure to follow. (In other words, don’t try this at home folks!)

It is through such things as political propaganda and power, false religious doctrines, counterfeit morality, the ORGANIZATION as a whole (along with its commercialism) that mankind has been held in a “death grip” of fear and superstition by Satan and his human henchmen down to this very day. One can only wonder how much worse would have happened had not God (the Elohim) confused their language.

Genesis 11:1-4 (NIV) says, “Now the whole world had one language and a common speech ...They said to each other, ‘Come, let us build ourselves a city, with a tower ... that we may make a name for ourselves and NOT BE SCATTERED over the face of the whole earth.’”

This text shows the real motives of those who were in charge. Everyone had been convinced and agreed (willingly or by force) to disobey the command to “fill the earth.” This same thinking is what happens in all organizations, be they cities, states, corporations, hierarchies, republics, democracies, communisms, commercial endeavors, dictatorships, religions, or whatever else there may be. They all eventually turn away from doing right (which is usually what they were first set up to do) and (in the case of religions) they turn away from God completely.

This desire for power is stirred up by Satan within his human dupes for creating rulerships over other peoples. They infiltrate all organizations that were originally designed to do good, and they quickly turn them around to be completely opposite to the reasons why they were set up to begin with.

Now, when the people refused to follow His command in ancient Babylon, the LORD had to fulfill His own command. And the Bible tells us, “So the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth.” Gen. 11:5-9, NIV.

The command to scatter and multiply was given twice, at Gen. 1:28 and Gen. 9:1. Then the fulfillment is stated twice, in Genesis 11:8, 9. That’s how important it was then and how important it is now! For it the commands had been obeyed then, the whole earth would now be farming and pastoral, without the great strife, armies, wars, terrorism, hunger, propaganda, crime, murders, etc., that we have today.

Other than Satan and sin, the ORGANIZATION of men into the three basic components of religion, politics, and commercialism (with their inherent decadence) is why God’s Kingdom must destroy all remnants of all these from this planet and restore mankind to their rightful condition and place before God. (See Dan. 2:44,45; Rev. 19:11-21; Rev. 22:12).
(Important note 2: As followers of Yahshua Messiah, Jesus Christ, we are not anarchists, iconoclasts or revolutionaries and take no part in any kind of change in non-governmental organizations and/or governmental organizations).

Corralling people together into cities and ORGANIZING them into the unholy trinity of religions, politics, and commerce under Satan, are the primary reasons for humanity’s current sad state of affairs. Man was not created to live under these horrible conditions.

ORGANIZATION is the vehicle created by Satan and used by man to gain total control over the masses of all mankind. Eventually, the strongest of the three will take over completely… and that will be the political element.

Politics needs the commercial element and vice, versa. In turn, commercialism needs protection from the false morality of the organized religions to promote their extortion and to control the masses. And being weaker, commercialism must support the political state for its protection.

Until now, politics has needed religion to cheerlead its conquests by blessing and providing approval for the organized killing of men, and to further its colonialism. That has ended. And as time goes on, organized religion and its usefulness to the world’s political states will continue to deteriorate.

Soon, neither politics nor commerce will need the religious element at all, as it has become a leach and a whore, riding the back of the “wild beast” of politics!

Organized religion is now a danger and a threat to both politics and commerce due to their new ideas of war, by bringing terrorism on this world’s so-called “civilization.” Organized religion is a threat, because it wants to control not only the people, but also politics and commerce.

So, organized religion will soon be destroyed by the radical political elements of the world, while some of her less radical and less powerful politicians and merchants look on fearfully and weep as they “stand at a distance,” and “look at the smoke from the burning of her.” Rev. 18:9-19 NW.

Now, this vital question must be asked, “Who needs organized religion, politics, cities, states, international ORGANIZATIONS, etc., to control the masses of peoples, tribes, national groups, and the like?” Does the Holy Father of us all and/or His wonderful Son, the Lord and King Yahshua (Jesus) need such a Satanically-inspired, man driven invention? The above information should make the answer obvious.

Jehovah and Jesus (Yahweh and Yahshua) certainly do not need any religions, politics, oil magnates, bankers, or bakers to represent them on this earth! There is already a “go between” in the divine nature of the only begotten son Yahshua Messiah (Jesus Christ). We have been given a direct line through Jesus Christ to the Father. We need no other false, fake, or counterfeit intermediaries, “For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, a man, Christ Jesus.” 1 Tim. 2:5.

By using the speed of thought (in prayer), we can instantly talk directly to Jehovah God in Jesus’ (Yahshua’s) name, wherever we may be in the universe, and He always knows what is in our hearts and minds. Satan, the demons, and men do not. Therefore, THEY ARE THE ONES THAT NEED ORGANIZATIONS! THEY are the ones in need of “organized” religions, hierarchies, politics, corporations, priesthoods, secret societies, handshakes, secret words, eye movements, etc., to oversee and control others, for they provide the needed control over the masses. There is no other way for them to have such control over mankind, except by the satanic concept of organizations.

ALL ORGANIZATIONS turn to the diametric opposite, and they oppose the ideas that they were conceived for within two or three generations at most, regardless of who started them, or how altruistic they were when they began! Within 100 years (and in most cases far shorter) ALL ORGANIZATIONS turn APOSTATE to their original purpose and go contrary and exactly opposite of their original mission. This includes all governments, religions, corporations, services, sciences, -isms, and -ologies. They all become self-serving, self-perpetuating bureaucracies who are in business for themselves and serving only themselves. Their business is the promotion of, and the furthering and perpetuating of, their organization, forgetting the original purpose of its creation.

What eventually, happens in ALL organizations was summed up by a British parliamentarian in the last century. The people are divided into two different groups:
(1) Those who are SERVANTS OF THE SPIRIT

He stated: “Whether the organization be political, religious, or social is immaterial ... The point is that, the idea having embodied itself in organization, the organization then proceeds to gradually slay the idea that gave it birth ... [Its] message will crystallize into a creed. Before long, the principle concern of the church will be to sustain itself as an ORGANIZATION. To this end, any departure from the creed must be controverted and, if necessary, suppressed as heresy. In a few score years what was conceived as a vehicle of a new and higher truth has become a PRISON for the souls of men ... the organization develops a self-interest which has no connection with, and becomes inimical to, the idea with which it began. Now, the thing which permits this process of diversion to take place, so that the organization comes to stand for the opposite of the idea which originally inspired it, is the tendency of men and women to become PRISONERS of the Organization, instead of being Servants of the Spirit ... the organization becomes less the vehicle of the idea than a CHANNEL through which particular interests must be served.”

This inevitably happens in ALL ORGANIZATIONS.

This phenomenon is what happened in First Century Christianity. The “organization men” of the Jewish religion wanted to impose their control over the new Christian congregations by teaching Moses rather than Jesus Christ. (See Acts 15:1,2). And the more the congregations were organized, the more problems arose, and the farther away from Christ’s teachings they strayed.

In less than 70 years after the death of the Lord, such organizing for control, had already happened. The apostle John wrote (about 96-98 C.E.), “Little children, it is the last hour and as you have heard that Antichrist is coming, even now there are many Antichrists; from which we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of our sort; for it they were of our sort, they would have remained with us.” 1 John 2:18-21 NW.

They then took the place of Jesus Christ by saying that they alone were his “channel” over the congregations.

The apostle Paul had warned about this apostasy earlier in the First Century, when talking to the “older men” of the Ephesus congregation (Acts 20:28, 29), when he said, “I know that after my going away oppressive wolves will enter in among you and will not treat the flock with tenderness, and from among you yourselves men will rise and speak twisted thing to draw the disciples after themselves.” NW.

Paul said they would draw away from the TRUTH, leave the true teachings of Christ Jesus, and establish their own, to control those that went with them for personal power and gain.

Paul said similar things to Timothy in his first letter (1Timothy 4:1, 2), “The spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical LIARS, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron.” NIV.

This is the MARK of all corrupted organizations! They are full of lies as they were created by the “father of the lie,” Satan the Devil, and his “henchmen” that back and promote the lies. They LOVE THE LIE of the ORGANIZATION DOCTRINE. “So that is why God lets an operation of error go to them, that they may get to believing the lie, in order that they all may be judged because they did not believe the truth but took pleasure in unrighteousness.” 2 Thess. 2:11, 12 NW.

The Lord Jesus foretold this situation in his explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares, saying, “The one who sowed the good seed is the Son of Man. The field is the world and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom. The weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sows them is the Devil. The Harvest is the end of the Age, and the harvesters are the angels.” (Not men, as some would have you believe). “The Son of man will send out his angels and they will weed out of his kingdom everything that causes sin and all who do evil ... Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” Matt. 13:36-43 NIV.

From that ancient time until now, the wicked one has over sown the field of God. For 1900 years, he has sown the field with unscrupulous, power hungry men. And like “ravenous wolves,” they have infiltrated all organizations claiming to represent God. They have introduced “great falsehoods” (lies) with their organizationalisms, clergy-laity distinctions, Babylonish doctrines, and devices to control and mislead the sheep. In doing so, they are leading the flock AWAY from the “true shepherd,” Jesus, the Christ.

Since all these religious organizations constitute that “old harlot, Babylon the Great,” Jesus says, “Get out of her, my people, if you do not want to share with her in her sins, and if you do not want to receive part of her plagues. For, her sins have massed together clear up to heaven, and God has called her acts of injustice to mind. Render to her even as she herself rendered, and do to her twice as much, yes, twice the number of the things she did.” Rev. 18:4-6 NW.

Yes, “get out of her my people,” for God will hold ALL of these ORGANIZATIONS that comprise the harlot, “Babylon the Great,” responsible for ALL of their APOSTATE works. And an organization will not correct itself… it cannot CHANGE itself. This is because those who promote and support it will not vacate their mindset and change, to comply with Holy Scriptural standards.

They believe that their IDOL, their LOVE, and their ORGANIZATION is above the scriptures, as are their Popes, their Jewish traditions, their clergy, their priesthoods, their Mullahs, their Governing Bodies, their Synods, their “Faithful and Discreet Slaves,” their etc., etc.. They believe that it is their duty to preserve their IDOL at all costs!

ALL religious organizations want you to believe that THEY ALONE can grant you a passport to eternal life. THEY ALONE want to be your mediator with God. THEY ALONE want your sworn loyalty, fidelity, support, and obedience… TO KEEP THEMSELVES IN EXISTENCE. Because, only by keeping people under their control and bringing more into their organizations can they stay in existence. And by doing so, they bypass Christ Jesus who is the only way to the Father and to eternal life.

Like thieves, they have stolen the place of Jesus Christ in the lives of His Sheep. They have made their organizations and themselves the “mediator between God and men.” 1 Tim. 2:5 NW.

However, it is not possible through any Satanic-inspired man-made contrivances known as ORGANIZATIONS to obtain eternal life. Neither is it possible through any Pope, tradition, priest, catechism, “faithful and discreet slave,” political party, banker, oil company, CEO, Ayatollah, door to door witnessing, snake handling, speaking in tongues, krishnas, law keepers, or anything else. It is only through the Lamb of God, who “takes away the sin of the world.” It is only by belief and faith in him that eternal life possible, for he is the “way and the truth and the life.” John 14:6 NW. (See also John 1:29 and Rev. 7:9,10).

In Acts 4:12, the Apostle Peter said, “There is no other name under heaven given, by which we can get saved.” (NW)


So, NOW is the time to: “GET OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE.”!!!

Please send this to everyone you care about.

POSTSCRIPT: For further free information on how YOU can “get out of her” (if you’re not already “out”), and how YOU can start an In-home congregation, home church group, class, ecclesia, or whatever you may wish to call it, send e-mail to:

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