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Prayer Request: Weekly Report and links Prayer Request: Weekly Report and links

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Weekly Report and links (Apr 13, 2008)

Prayer Request:

GladHeart Ministries * Weekly Prayer Forum Report
GladHeart Prayer Ministry
Apr 13, 2008

GladHeart Ministries * Weekly Prayer Forum Report
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GladHeart Ministries is pleased to offer this month's free audio tape, "BEAUTIFUL ATTITUDES" a study on the Beatitudes by Pastor Tom Frazier of Harvesttime Church in Escondido, California.

Blessed are the meek

Meekness Isn't Weakness...
Meekness Is gentleness - power under control...


Blessed are the meek:
for they shall inherit the earth.

Matthew 5:5 KJV


This live sermon contains Jesus' teaching on MOURNING and MEEKNESS.  Included is violin music by George Glad "The Old Rugged Cross" and "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder" by Earl Cox on guitar.


If you would like a copy of this 90-minute FREE TAPE please email :


and include your postal mail address, and a copy of this tape will be mailed to you right away.  Sorry no cds available of this recording.


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Samuel, The Worshiper With The Word
The sounds of silence can be very isolating for a saint.  The saint begins to examine their hearts to see if they are right with God.  This could be one of the reasons that God is silent…to allow us to examine ourselves.
In the night time it gets super quiet.  Noises you normally do not hear are now heard.  Such as a dripping faucet, creaking in the house from the shifting of the building or the settling of the house, trains off in a distance, the sound of crickets, and so many other sounds.  That is how it is when God works too, we hear everything and everyone but God.  God is silent when He works, He doesn’t want to make a noise and distract us.  Because He wants us to get all of what He has for us. If we heard Him and saw where He was working in our life we would end up there before He was finished working it out for us and most likely mess it up. 
So God is silent until everything has been prepared for us.  But at that moment when God speaks and says ok do this, pray for this, go see, go do and so on and so forth, we get to see the thing God has worked out for us begin to come to pass.  God brings the morning when it is time, no sooner no later, right on time. 
We cannot change when the sun comes up or when it goes down, so why worry about it?  We know that at some point in time, when the timing is just right the sun will peak out across the earth and the morning will have come.  I should point out that the time each morning that the sun rises is never the same day after day after day.  Some days its up earlier 6:15 AM and other days it is up later 6:25AM, but it still comes sometime in the morning. 
So it is also with our deliverances and blessings, they will come at the precise time God has planned for it to take place.  The only way man can control the time of the morning is by changing the time to fit his own schedule and yet it still does not change the fact that morning came as it always has and the sun went down as it always has. 
The morning and night are the same to God and it is as a ball, the ball on one side has a black side the other has a blue side, just because I see the black does not mean I have a black ball, it is still black and blue.  The ball is the same, but my outlook is altered.  If I turn it a little I may still see black, a little more still black and right at the exact moment the blue begins to appear I am able to see what I really have, a black and blue ball
You have some balls with four, five and six different colors on each little part of the ball, for me to see them all I have to let the ball turn 365` to know what all is on my ball or in my ball.  It is the same with what God does or gives us in our life, to see it all we must go through the day and the night, the good times and the evil and then only will we really see what is going on in our life.  Even then we don’t know everything that God is planning on doing next. 
In the night seasons of your life you will be able to see God and hear God better than any other time because you have put on hold those every day things you usually do and have sat still with the intent to hear a word from Jesus.  That is why it is so important to separate yourself from people, places and things for a time; and seek God!  You may discover that there are some things you are holding on to that is keeping you from seeing the whole picture. 
It is time for you to pick up your ball and begin to rotate it.  Examine it closely, see what you really have and discover what God has really designed for you!  Because during these sounds of silence, is when you truly discover who you are and what God has for you.  Silence lets you hear the things you don’t hear with the noise of life! 
Ssssshhhhhhhh……… you hear that???
Listen again!!!!  God is speaking to you right now!  Take this time to separate yourself from everything else just for a few moments and listen.  Lift your hands and tell the Lord, Speak Lord for I am listening!!!

1 Samuel 3:1 through 1 Samuel 3:10 (NLT) 1Meanwhile, the boy Samuel was serving the LORD by assisting Eli. Now in those days messages from the LORD were very rare, and visions were quite uncommon.  2One night Eli, who was almost blind by now, had just gone to bed. 3The lamp of God had not yet gone out, and Samuel was sleeping in the Tabernacle near the Ark of God. 4Suddenly, the LORD called out, “Samuel! Samuel!” “Yes?” Samuel replied. “What is it?” 5He jumped up and ran to Eli. “Here I am. What do you need?” “I didn’t call you,” Eli replied. “Go on back to bed.” So he did. 6Then the LORD called out again, “Samuel!”  Again Samuel jumped up and ran to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “What do you need?”  “I didn’t call you, my son,” Eli said. “Go on back to bed.”  7Samuel did not yet know the LORD because he had never had a message from the LORD before. 8So now the LORD called a third time, and once more Samuel jumped up and ran to Eli. “Here I am,” he said. “What do you need?”  Then Eli realized it was the LORD who was calling the boy. 9So he said to Samuel, “Go and lie down again, and if someone calls again, say, ‘Yes, LORD, your servant is listening.’” So Samuel went back to bed.  10And the LORD came and called as before, “Samuel! Samuel!”  And Samuel replied, “Yes, your servant is listening.”
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Submitted by Sherry Cook
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Crippling Infirmity – SAY NO!!!
12th April, 2008
Lana Vawser


My Church, many of you are being faced with infirmity like you have never faced before, it is a time of intense infirmity you have felt like bullets are being shot at you one after the other.

I speak to you My Church this is NOT from Me. This is not being sent from My heart to you, this is not me teaching you a lesson, for I do not torment you My Church, now is the time for you to stand up and say “NO”.

I am preparing many of you for what is to come next and many of you are stepping and are about to step into the next phase of your journey, so the enemy is sending all he can upon you to stop you from moving forward.

The assassination attempt that has been released against My Bride now is to steal faith. For when the enemy steals your faith and convinces you that My promises are not applicable to you, then you will be crippled and walk in defeat, when you are not a defeated Church. You are a victorious Church.

I am speaking to you My Church, do not weary! For the enemy will not prevail, you must take My Word and all My promises and stand on them in this time. Do not listen to the lies the enemy is feeding many of you but walk in the truth of My Word.

This spirit of infirmity is not from Me, and each of you have the authority to speak to it to go in Jesus name. The crippling that is occurring is not from Me, now is the time to rise up warriors and speak forth My Word, use your Swords.

For those of you who are being attacked by this spirit, know it, you sense it, you see it, do not listen to its poisonous tongue, but listen only to the words that flow from My heart.

Step up My Church, step up and allow the righteous anger I have placed within many of you to rise up at the enemy, and use your authority and use your swords to cast him back to hell.

Do not allow this to cripple you any longer through your acceptance, but speak out My Word and know that you will not be trodden on, you will rise up in victory. The oppression, the torment, the pain and the discouragement being thrown upon you by this spirit will diminish as you delve more deeply into My Word and walk in your authority.

Come into My light, make sure that you have not opened any doors to allow this spirit to torment you, once you have done this, then stand and keep standing. Know that this attack has come upon you because of the great things I am about to do in your life. Use your sword and stand in the victory that is already yours. I love you My Church, I am using this to shape you into the warrior I have called you to be. Learn now how to use your swords. Arise!


* To learn more about the lanavawserpropheticministry group, please visit
* To contact the moderator of this group, send email to
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Submitted by Terry Glad
(1)  Richard needs prayer.  He is in trouble with the law.  Pray for his salvation.
(2)  Pray for Sister Josie Flores who is in mail.  No one seems to know what happened or how she got put in jail.  Please pray for her that when she gets out of jail, she will come back to Harvesttime Church in Escondido and will live back with her family the Gonzales.  They are asking God renew her heart and also that she can find a good job.
(3)  The Flanagan Family - unspoken request.
(4)   Please pray for the new daytime mid-week service being held by Brother Rayhorst.  Tentatively it will be a Thursday morning meeting.  Regular services will continue such as Wednesday night Bible study and Thursday night prayer meeting at the church.
(5)  Pray for Ann's dad's salvation.  His name is David and he is a practicing Buddhist.  Ann's mother Carol is saved.
(6)  Pray for the Gladkoff family for every member to be saved.  They are Russian Orthodox.  George's brother Nick is getting close to making a confession of faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.  Yesterday all three attended George's birthday party and were exposed to prayer, worship music and powerful witnessing and testimonies. We pray that it will all have a lasting impact upon them which they cannot forget. 
(7)  Please pray George stays on the straight and narrow and not on the wide path to destruction.  He is repenting of his addictions and desires to serve the LORD with his violin.  He also asks that his sales improve next week.
(8)  Carol asks for her tenants to fulfill their obligations to pay their rent and utility and food bills.
(9)  Terry asks for healing of lingering bronchitis and laryngitis.
(10)  GladHeart Ministries in conjunction with Harvesttime Church has opened up a regular Saturday evening meeting.  This is a time of seeking God in an intimate small group setting.  Pray for the leading of the Holy Spirit in this.  We have had three blessed meetings so far.
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Intercessory Prayers:
Father, I ask healing and deliverance for Deanna. I ask that she will not have to endure Chemo again, but that the cancer will be found to be gone. I ask that there be nothing wrong with the colon. I speak a miracle deliverance to her. this thing will NOT raise up it's head against her again. By the Spirit of the Living God she IS healed. By the hand of God, she IS delivered and free. I speak to this bleeding to stop. I curse it at it's root and call it healed by the Spirit and power of the Living God.
I ask for Lorraine that this lesion not come to be a greater problem but that the removal of it will be the end of it. I come against physical ailments and a cycle of sickness. RISE up and let her and YOUR enemies be scattered before the blood of Jesus.
You promised healing for 85,000 people with cancer. Let that promise come with much fruit and touch the bodies of all in need. Amen
Requesting prayer for a 'pain in the neck' lol. And it's not anyone I know either. Just have a big crick in my neck this morning. Also, I sold a computer to a man a couple of days ago. He's a real sweet guy, but he talks a blue streak and never turns it off and he calls me too often. Please pray that he'll stop calling me. Sherry Cook
please pray for my husband. He's applying for a job that he'd really like to have and I think it would be good for him. He'd have something to do which he needs and we'd probably be out of debt within two years max. He's strong and healthy, and it would be a very good thing. thanks for your support. Sherry Cook
Please pray for Billie Grey. suffering from blood clots. needs prayer a stroke doesn't happen. She's saved and not all that old.
Please pray for Marion Ulinski. Christian, not sleeping well and she works hard and needs her rest.
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Hi Friends,

I send this out not to be forwarded on, but as a prayer request.

The attack over my physical body the past few months, more like 6 months to 1 year has been pretty horrendous. It has been one physical ailment after the other and I do not believe that this is just 'coincidence'.

So I am asking for your prayers. I am waiting on the Lord to identify the specific source but would really appreciate your prayers for all these physical ailments and unexplainable symptoms to be gone in Jesus name.

Thank you for your prayer support,

Lana Vawser

* To learn more about the lanavawserpropheticministry group, please visit
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by Debbie Preuss

There is beauty in the small things, like a raindrop on a flower
A little plant struggling through, to reach it’s blooming hour
A baby duck as it splashes, in the little puddles
Or a cute puppy dog as it comes to you for cuddles

A stately tree standing tall, against the cloudy sky
To revel in the sunsets radiance, as it sets on high
A tiny bug, a little worm, a single blade of grass
The way your shadow changes, as you go walking past

The Robin singing in the tree, as she makes her nest
Soon she’ll be raising young ones and won’t get much rest
The frost patterns on the window, beautiful through the pane
It’s been a chilly night, although there was no rain

Look at your fingertips, there’s no one else like you
Unique in all creations, God has made you too
Have you ever smelled, a newborn baby’s scent
Or heard their little cooing, then wonder where they went
It seems like such a short time ‘til they are standing tall
When they have surpassed, their height marking on the wall
The little ant carrying a crumb, bigger than he is
The spider waiting patiently, wondering which bug will be his
The worm on the asphalt, struggling to make it to the grass
Wondering how long it’ll be, before his life does pass
The little things around us, like the grain of sand
That all join together, to make this awesome land

Like a little plant struggling through, to reach it’s blooming hour
There is beauty in the small things, like a dewdrop on a flower
Debbie Preuss ©
April 11, 2008
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Submitted by Gene Johnson
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"Unless we take the mark of the beast, none will be be able to buy or sell. 
 A national ID # coming May 2009 (it was supposed to come in 08, then it was delayed a year!  Card or ship implant, it's coming!   Will this silence many?" 
Cathy Moffat
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Submitted by Betty Joseph

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