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Prayer Request: A Word Prayer Request: A Word

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A Word (Aug 24, 2008)

Prayer Request:
Greetings to each of you,

I pray that you had a great service on Sunday, the Lord is truly blessing us in this season of our ministry, we are experiencing "CHURCH GROWTH".  Any Pastor know that is a good feeling as well as Blessed experience, your work is not in vain in the Lord.

I preached a word from the Lord by divine revelation and inspiration of the Holyghost.  Titled: "A Chess game with the devil"  the lord revealed to us how the enemy will try and bust a move on us with attempts to make the wrong move.

Child of God or whomever read this and can receive it, I speak prophetically to you this day.  Your next move is crucial, it's crucial to your anointing, ministry, personal life etc...don't make the wrong move.  Your tools to use is Faith in the Word of God, definitely the gift of Wisdom, don't let the devil bust a move on you and cause you to walk in error.  Instead, make the devil show his hand, my my my.  I feel a shout coming on again......whew!!!!

Remain Blessed, as your steps are ordered in the Lord.

   Discussion: A Word
Prophetess Rodman · 16 years, 4 months ago
Feeling Rejected?? READ THIS!

Greetings to you this day........In the mighty name of Jesus!!!!!!! !

Today I want to speak to you about "Rejection" My prayer is that if
any are feeling a rejection, that by the end of this post you will be
encouraged and refreshed!!!
I felt led to speak on this topic,
because I too feel rejection at times, but you know?? God has showed
me that I am never fully rejected.

What is rejection?? Most people feel rejection when they so
desperately need love and it seems as if no matter what they do,
people just never seem to accept them.

Rejection is a need an emotion
 to be apart, and feel that someone really does care.

In my life's journey it seems that rejection has been a constant
dealing, that I truly never get rid of. Let me start this message, by
sharing with you, some of the hardest rejection that I have felt.
It all began really as far back as my mind will take me, as a child,
I was constantly reminded that I was not wanted, by both parents,
they showed this in action and in word.

I wanted so desperately to be loved, and at no avail. I was an only
child, and though there were times that I wished for a sibling, I
thanked God that there was no other sibling, to feel the immense
feelings that I felt. The abuse, the put downs, all I really wanted
was love.

In Today's society, it seems that many that are feeling rejection,
feel that if they are not loved and accepted, they must be
insignificant, and there must be something wrong with them, I am here
to tell you that is nothing but a lie from the enemy, who wants you
to feel that you are the one with the problem.
First off all, there are to many that feel as though they need to be
excepted, and that saying that everybody needs somebody, as this may
feel to be true, the only that should truly want to be excepted by,
is Christ Jesus, whom will always love you and will NOT reject you!!

You may say, at times "I feel as even the Lord is rejecting me, or has
forgotten me, rest assured..... ...He has not!! In all actuality, we
should praise God if HE is taking us to a place where we can start to
look soley to him for comfort, and peace, love and acceptance, for
man will assuredly fail you.

If you have never thought about giving Jesus control of your life,
you may want to consider doing just that. Read His word–the Bible–and
you will find that Jesus is a God of compassion and love, and has a
special heart for the weary and rejected. He can take even the
darkest moments in your life and turn them around for good as you
trust Him!!

Being rejected by family and friends hurts, there is no doubting
that, but the sad and hurtful thing to me, is feeling rejected by
those stating that they are Gods leaders, let me explain..... .God is
a GOD of compassion and love, and he does have a special place for
the weary and rejected. Many that are leaders today, must really
examine there hearts, to see if they are being a leader of love and
acceptance to his sheep, it is a dangerous place to be in with God,
when you mishandle his sheep....... amen.
If you are feeling rejected by a "Leader of Gods word" and you know
that your heart if after God, remember this........ .

God chose a young unknown man named David. This shepherd boy was
looked down upon by his brothers but chosen of God because of his
heart. No one else knew about this lad, but God did and sent Samuel
the prophet to anoint him. Psalm 4:3 says, "But know that the Lord
has set apart the godly man for Himself. the Lord hears when I call
to Him."

I want to encourage you today, that God loves you, He has not
rejected you, chances are, if you are a person that lives a life
after God, and you are still feeling rejected, God is wanting you to
realize that you are set aside, God wants you to see that HE loves
you, and wants you to totally rely on him, to be the focus and center
of your life, it is hard to say NO MORE, will I allow the enemy to
make me feel that I am a nobody, you are somebody to HIM, in that you
can trust!!!

Remember that Jesus was rejected and scorned, even by those the
closes to him, so know that when God sets you aside for HIS precious
plan, rejoice and be thankful, for you are a chosen person. God knows
all of our hearts and motives, and if you will just fall down before
him, and trust that HIS word is MOST ASSUREDLY TRUTH....... .You will
begin to grow and grow and grow in VICTORY!!!!! !!!

Many are called, but few are chosen, it is evident to me in the word,
that the remnants, the leftovers, those that are scraps to some, are
the very remnants to God. What does God say about the remants????

The Bible declares in 2Kings 19:30 "And the remnant that is escaped
of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear
fruit upward". And in Romans 11:5 "Even so then at this present time
also there is a remnant according to the election of grace"

There is no need to believe the enemy!!!!!!! ! Today can be a new day
for you!!!!!! A day of freedom from Rejection, only God knows the
heart, remember that!! Do not let anything or anyone rob you of the
peace and joy that God has for you, you are unique and God is a God
of love,,,,,,,always! !!!!!

Never forget that you are part of the remnant of God. The remnant are
those who Pray that:-

1. They may die and that Christ live in them.

2. They may be receive the Grace to carry the cross so that Christ
increases in them while they decrease.

3. They will cease to be normal believers and step into the realm of
the supernatural.

4. The organized church settings will cease and that the Holy Ghost
will control all their meetings.

5. The driving force in them be love.

These should be our prayer points.

Pleasing people and wanting acceptance, must be stopped. Seek to only
please God, the maker and finisher of your faith, walk in faith of
HIS word, He loves you with pure unconditional love, believe that,
and your life will be transformed! !!!!! This is Gods call for a
remnant. I pray you answer YES to every one of His calls in Jesus
Mighty Name, Amen.

I want to say to you, that if you are tired of feeling the doors
slam, then I will personally pray with you., I want to be the best
example of God's love that is humanly possible, but know that only HE
is the perfect love and peace!!!

Today I pray Father that eyes will see and ears will hear, that your
people need not feel rejected, that those that are weary, rejected,
and hurt, are the very ones that you are calling to higher ground in
you Lord, that if we trust and follow your word, and totally
surrender to you, and desire your will in our life, we will walk in a
different place, a place of consecration without carnality, Father I
pray for those that receive this message, and make a choice today, to
seek and rely totally on you for there peace and love.
Father, thank you because You always hear and answer our prayers.
Ground us, root us, deeply in holiness, righteousness and love that
we may bear the fruit that will last. God we are tired of the
ordinary and we desire to embrace the extraordinary, the
supernatural, so that like Paul we may say "And my speech and my
preaching was not with enticing words of man's wisdom, but in
demonstration of the Spirit and of Power", Father this is our cry in
Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. We commit to walk the path you are directing
us to walk into that clearly brings victory all round, thank you God.
we seal this prayer with the fire of the Holy Ghost and the Blood of
Jesus Christ in of Nazareth,Our Savior, Amen.

Forever in your service Lord
Prophetess D Rodman

Keep Kneeling at HIS Feet & Standing on HIS Word

Joyce Gale · 16 years, 4 months ago
Thank you for this these messages.

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