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Prayer Request: ARE WE LISTENING? Prayer Request: ARE WE LISTENING?

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ARE WE LISTENING? (Jun 25, 2008)

Prayer Request:
The last few years I have studied and pondered on the verses below. And then I get a magazine from key life ministries which seems to be saying just about the same thing as below. The subject in the article is Something is missing. Now aday their are so many of our brothers and sisters in Christ in need and I have not seen to many friends or churches step in to help. Remember the lady in the Bible that gave her last penny,Mark 12:42-- now we hear oh we are broke or the church can't afford it..our brothers and sisters are out their in the world losing their homes and jobs and are going hungry..remember the  verse where Jesus said I was hungry and you fed me, or I was thirsty and you gave me water..Matthew 25:35-40 --do we think about these verses? Don't get affended its the truth that is being spoken. We can also look at the verse here  Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:9,10--oh yes alot of us grumble when we have to help others because we are taking for ourselves, thats called selfishness.

 I have gotten emails and prayer needs from many of God's children losing their homes or they are hungry, or they need gas in the car, and lots more..Time has come to share God's truth not by speaking BUT BY DOING. Since 2005 I have lost three homes, one car, alot of stuff I had to leave behind, hubby has lost three jobs, and I have learned that all this material stuff doesn't last, and its not important, when we see others in need we need to give it up..Jesus did for us, His very life He gave so we can live..I praise God for lightening my load, we had to sells possessions just to eat..Also we are not doing the work, we are to go out into the world and preach the gospel, how are others going to hear about God if we sit, lets put it into action..Something is missing, its missing from our conferences,our churches, and most tragic its missing from our lives, God is good, He laughs, He crys, He sings, He dances, He gets angry, He keeps His promises, and His our SAVIOR..Let's PRAISE HIM, LETS BE HIS CHILDREN He made us to be..Love Betty B.

 Written by:Betty Bolden

1 John 3:17 

17If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?


1 John 3:18


18Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.



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