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Michelle Madeen


Prayer Request:


BY Michelle Madeen


Pastor Swift,

I truly enjoyed the 40 Days of Purpose and I am enjoying the home group that my husband and I joined. I was thinking back on the days when I felt like I was always searching and I decided to write about it. I just wanted to share it with you and anyone who might be searching right now.

I always felt that something was missing in my life. I remember as a teenager I believed it was a perfect man , I was! But not who I imagined. I dreamed my days away about marrying a man who would make me feel complete, be my other haft, fill that hole in my life.

After marriage and children I dreamed that moving to the right house or the right town would make me feel whole, or satisfied. Maybe all I needed was another TV, or new computer.

Later I would convince myself it was the perfect job that was missing in my life.

It’s sad how many years I spent thinking I was missing something when who I was missing was me all along.

No husband, home, job, car, TV, or computer could make me feel whole.

I realized now that it is not wholeness I should be seeking but Holiness should be my life’s goal.

In Ephesians 4:24 (GWT) says " You were ....created to be like God, truly righteous and holy."

The (NIV) bible says " Put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness."and from( 2 Peter 3:11)( NLT) "Since everything around us is going to melt away, what holy, Godly lives you should be living."

So I prayed this prayer today:

:Father, I do not need to be whole, I long to be Holy. You created me not to feel whole but to act holy. I will not pray to You now for wholeness Father, but I ask You for holiness in my life. I was complete the day that I found You and I pray today that others will find Your glory. Amen

Thank you for letting me share my story and my feeling to you. I was moved to write about my thoughts when I was reading one of the chapters in The Purpose Driven Life and after listening to the Cedar Creek Praise Band singing " Holiness"

This is my first church and church family and I truly love you all.

God bless you.

Michelle Madeen


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