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Prayer Request: Prayer: What You Should Know Part 2 Prayer Request: Prayer: What You Should Know Part 2

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Prayer: What You Should Know Part 2 (Nov 10, 2011)

Prayer Request:

 In the first part of my sermon, I said, that in order for you to get what you want from God, you neeed to ASk God for what you want, because He wants you to let Him know, what you want, even though, He already knows what you are going to ask Him, before you ask Him. 

 Also after you do ask Him, it is important that you BELEIVE THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE, what you ask Him for, because the most important thing needed for prayer to work, is your faith. You must BELEIVE that God grant you what you ask Him.

 Now, another mistake people, people make, is that they take that pariticular Scripture, that says,"Whatever ask things you ask for when you pray, believe that you will receive them, and you shall have them," out context, by taking the "whatever you ask for, that Scripture too literally. They think that they can ask for WHATEVER they want, and God will give it them.

 Which bring us to the third point, and that is that God doesn't grant selfish prayer requests or grant the prayers of selfish and self-centered people. He simply will not give you anything, if your reason for getting it is to satisfy yourself, not use it to be a blessing to others.

 James 4:3 (NKJV) "You ask and DO NOT RECEIVE, because you ASK AMISS, that you may spend on your pleasures." To ask amiss is to do so selfishly, which simply that you are not really ASKiNG for what you want, but demanding that He give it to you, with the "give me" attitude. Or you do ask for, in the hopes of getting it, only for yourself. Know that God doesn't bow to our will, but we are sumbit to His will.

 God doesn't owe us anything, and is under no obligation to give what we want. He doesn't give us things because He has to, but because He wants to. We aren't grant what we ask, because DESERVE it, but because it is His good pleasure, that we receive the best that God wants us to have. 

 There is a Newsboys song that startsm "When get what we don't deserve, it's a really good thing; when we don't get what get we deserve, it's a real good thing." Did we deserve to go to Heaven? No! If we got we deserved, we would be spending eternity, elsewhere.

   Discussion: Prayer: What You Should Know Part 2

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