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Prayer Request: Spiritual Warfare Part 1 Prayer Request: Spiritual Warfare Part 1

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Spiritual Warfare Part 1 (Nov 16, 2010)

Prayer Request:

Spiritual warfare is a fact, in Christianity, because as James Hudson Taylor 3rd said, "Your call be contested!  Satan will fight you every step of the way; for when God calls, you are entering spiritual warfare!" This message will be divided into very specific points.  The point we are going to focus on, is the one that some Christians overlook, and it is this: 

1. You Are NOT Strong Enough.  By this, I mean, that your strength insufficient when it comes to standing up and fighting against Satan and his forces. You simply CAN NOT fight against, the spiritual forces of darkness, in your own strength, or make Satan run from you, in own might.  The only way, that you will be able to do this is in God's might working in and through you. (Ephesians 6: 10 NKJV) "Finally brethren, be strong IN THE LORD and in the power of HIS MIGHT." Remember this, and internalize it. It does not say, for you to be strong in the Lord, in the power of YOUR MIGHT,or to be strong in YOURSELF, and in the power of HIS MIGHT, nor for that matter YOUR MIGHT either. It specifically points out, that you are to receive the strength and the might to make the enemy from you, from the Lord God Himself, and not to depend your own, because if you do, YOU WILL FAIL.  

(To be continued, tommorow)

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